WellBitten Wellness Tip: Journal to Stress Less

Who doesn’t love some pinnable bites of inspiration? Introducing WellBitten–a daily series full of fit tips, motivational thoughts and healthy eating ideas for head to toe wellness. Think of it as a post-it from BSW to keep you moving, eating right and feeling WellBitten!

Pen-therapy can do wonders on your healthy lifestyle. Here are 5 steps to get into a journaling groove.

Do you use a journal? What are some of the benefits you have found from using it? 


  1. gene (@boutdrz)

    as a guy, i won’t ever admit to journaling…but i blog. and i have 3 notebooks full of….notes…from my head. they seem really disjointed, just the way they come out of my brain. littered in there are sketches of projects around the house; cabinets, landscaping, fences, etc. and the occasional cartoon drawing.
    getting my ideas down on paper (or blog) certainly helps to keep my head clear.

    • Talia

      Gene! So good to see you here. You should not be ashamed of journaling, notebooking, or whatever it is you want to call it. I’d love to see some of those cartoons!! 🙂