Work & World Video: What Does The Spleen Do?

Video: What Does The Spleen Do?

The question has been posed many times before now, but have we ever actually gotten a straight answer? What exactly does your spleen do? Is it like your tonsils where you can be perfectly fine without one or is it more like a gallbladder where you really should have one..but it’s socially acceptable to have it removed (if need be)? The world may never know. Thanks to this awesome (semi) informational video by a group of Harvard Medical Students, we now know the spleen can dance, sing, walk, etc.

We also know that “kidneys filter, make your pee,” according to the lyrics — and that “What Does The Fox Say” is still a viral commodity even months after it first surfaced this summer. This hilarious parody is super entertaining to watch; you might even catch yourself laughing or singing along a little bit.  You might even learn a thing or two, like how the shape of your spleen is similar to that of Brazil.

While I don’t think the spleen can be considered “a backup tongue” I do think there’s something to be learned from this creative video. The singing is also surprisingly similar to the original YouTube sensation, and might I add that the costumes and choreography are both on point! Who comes up with this stuff? What’s next, “What Does Your Mom Say”? Totally kidding, I’m sure that already exists somewhere. Maybe someone will come up with another clever rendition!