Breakout Bites of the Week Ending September 21

Let’s jump right in to this week’s Breakout Bites:

10 Things I Wish I Knew About Running | Victoria Runs

For a non-runner, runner wanna-be or a love to hate running person, this post is for you! Victoria lists 10 things she wish she knew about running before she hit the pavement. Her post will definitely make you feel more prepared to lace up your sneakers and give you a better attitude about the classic exercise while you were at it. Plus, she makes me feel so much better about myself when she says: “You are a runner as soon as you take a step that is faster than your walk.” I am definitely a runner based on that!

6 Simple Weight Loss Tips from Fitness Celebs | Be Fit with Kristen

As much as we don’t want to feed into all of the “Kim Kardashian did these butt exercises, Jennifer Aniston lost 10 pounds eating (fill in the blank) and Jillian Michaels says…” this hoopla, it is hard not to take the advice of celebs in our healthy lifestyles when they look so good! Kristen did a round-up of great quotes from celebrity fitness trainers and nutritionists that are sure to kick start your fall weight loss mindset. My personal favorite is from Jackie Warner who says “It’s not how long you train, it’s how strong.” Fitfluential, baby.

Battle of the Bars | A Doctor in the House

Andrea took the words right out of my mouth. I love to hate on bars…of the granola and protein variety that is. She shares a list of reasons why she loves bars like that they are great grab-and-go snacks, they taste good and they are better than a cookie. And then does a list of why she hates them. The calories versus the size is what always gets me! How do you feel about bars? Have you ever tried Gnu? They only have around 130 calories and 12 grams of fiber so I let them squeeze into the bar hate!

Things I Should Care About More at the Gym | Stories and Sweet Potatoes

Nothing is better than a little gym humor on a Friday. Sara lists four gym “mishaps” that she just brushes off her shoulder like singing aloud and tripping. We all have those “what are you doing?” people around when we are working out. For about a month I went to the gym at the same time as a lady who flailed her body back and forth, in huge sweeping motions while on the elliptical. At first it was like a bad car accident…you didn’t want to stare, but you had to. And then I couldn’t take having her in my line of vision so I had to plan my workout so that I didn’t have to watch the hot mess! Very funny post….read it!

Pumpkin French Toast | The Splattered Apron

I think the title of this post pretty much sums it up. Lisa is my foodie hero and I am glad she endorses the pumpkin flavor…in every single meal. We are just a pumpkin loving duo I guess. Make this everyone!

Take a look back at this week’s posts!

Let’s chat! What blog posts are you loving this week? Do you have a pumpkin obsession?