Breakout Bites of the Week Ending September 7

Finally it is Friday! Do you ever feel like shorter weeks are sometime longer? A four day work week should fly by! In any case, the weekend is about to begin which means it is time for another round of Breakout Bites of the Week.

A Week of Breaking Bad | Running for Dummies

I was instantly intrigued by the title of this post because Breaking Bad is one of my favorite shows of all time. Of course I knew a Lea wasn’t going to splurge details of her latest drug habits on her healthy lifestyle site, but I was curious to read how she broke bad. Lea admitted that her “indulgence meals” had gotten a little out of hand which is something I definitely can relate to. It is so easy to fall off the wagon and as Lea said “the thing about bad choices is that the more you make bad choices, the easier they become.” But I loved how she was turning things around with a bit of structure and planning.

How to Eat Healthy at a Football Party | Fit 2 Flex

Football season is the equivalent to holiday parties. Football may be the main focus, but often times I feel like the spotlight is on the food. Touchdowns bring so many diet temptations out. The personal training duo Carissa and Kyle shared their tips on how to survive a football party without packing on the pounds. My favorite is to pick just ONE poison to nibble on and leave the rest behind. Great advice! My football advice is to join a fantasy team…it is good for the health of your relationship. Trust me.

The Anatomy of an Early Morning Run | Eat Drink Breathe Sweat

Jess wrote a beautiful post about an early morning run that is enough to make a non-runner want to get out of bed for. I am not the best runner in the world and crave the “serene, calming, centering and joyful run” feeling that Jess experienced. Sometimes the best workouts come when you least expect them.

Coconut Nut Balls | Running to the Kitchen

The healthy living blog world goes nuts for ball recipes. They are the best grab and go snack and super easy to make. I went nuts (pun intended) for Gina’s latest creation of “coconut crack.” They are full of 3 types of cashews, almonds, walnuts and coconut everything. A tropical paradise for your tongue. Now those are some balls I want to carry around with me!

Any links you want to share this week? What do you have planned for the weekend?

photo credit: sunface13 via photo pin cc