A lot has been happening on BSW this week! Are you loving it?
A few new series to be excited about:
- WellBitten Daily Wellness Tip: If there was ever a Jeopardy that was health and wellness themed, it would be good to know these things.
- Back to Basics Boot Camp: Even the top dogs in fitness need a refresher course in some classic gym terms and moves. Getting back to the basics will help you grow leaps and bounds in the fitness world.
- Bytes for Breakfast: Web surfing in the morning goes together like eggs and turkey bacon. Well, at least it does for me. Bytes for Breakfast is a hotspot for a fun, thoughtful, entertaining video and a breakfast idea to go along with it.
- #PairYourEats Challenge: This is an extension of the Weekly Bite to get us all trying new food and flavors. Remember to take your pics for the first blog link-up on September 1st!
Who knows what other fun ideas are stirring around in BSW land…guess you will have to check back to see! I’m a tease. And I know it.
But Breakout Bites of the Week is a classic that has to remain because there are so many good posts in the health community that it would be a shame not to highlight some of them! Check out what reads I loved during this hectic week:
5 Favorite Fitness Apps for iPhone| Food, Fitness & Family
My phone is attached to my hip so it is great to have useful fitness apps by my side too. Some of these are new ones to me like Electric Miles and some of them I am a total advocate for such as GymPact. In any case, we have pages and folders on our phone for a reason, so get downloading! Thanks for the post Madeline. Now that Madeline covered us on the fitness front, check out these great apps for food journaling and those specifically for running.
My Approach to Eating Out | Wish & Whimsy
I love this post from Katie because I think many of us get scared to ask for healthy substitutions when we are dining out. This normally leads to two things: You are a control freak about cooking at home every day and have panic attacks about other people preparing your food. Or, you go out and completely get off the health wagon and then struggle to get back on track. I am all for “splurge days” but really the best approach is learning to substitute for healthy options and still enjoy a dining out environment. Having been a server in my past, it is no big deal to hit the “sub” button and appease your guest. So ask for what you need and keep your health plan on track!
Mexican Oatmeal| ROJ Running
It took me awhile to latch on to the whole “enjoy savory meals from normally sweet options,” but I don’t know why I was so scared. Enjoying new flavors is part of life (hint, hint #PairYourEats right now). The only thing missing from this recipe for Mexican oats shared by Julie is my favorite green fruit: avocados. My friends and I eat guacamole like it is going out of style. We can talk about how much we like avocados for 5-minutes, non-stop. So anything that has a Mexican-esque vibe to it, deserves plenty of attention…and avocadoes. Great recipe! Need more oat-tastic ideas, try these adventurous oatmeal recipes.
If it Sounds to Good to be True, It Probably Is! | Myers Cross Training
Sometimes I stay up late enough to catch those info-mercials trying to sell me a whole new body in just 3 easy payments and it kills me to think some people buy into that crap. Like Michelle pointed out “I’m angry that people are trying to make money off of an issue so serious as our health.” Michelle shared 3 easy tips to sort through the scams and the companies that have real fitness benefits to offer. Thanks for the informative post.
Barre Workouts | MizFit Online
If you all recall one of the things on my fitness bucket list is to try a barre class. Maybe it is so that I can feel like I fit in to the sometimes ritzy New York fitness vibe, but when I saw that my main Miz shared a post from Abby (who blogs at Back at Square Zero) on something from my fitness wish list I was immediately intrigued. I loved the insider information that Abby shared from her experience. Who knew that there were special barre socks?? I have a dance experience past so I wouldn’t have nightmares about falling, BUT I am glad to know that the class is split into sections and how your body may feel after a class. I really have to find a groupon for this asap!
What are your favorite links of the week? Any fun weekend plans ahead of you?
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Thank you so much for including me in the Breakout Bites of the week. Looks like you have a lot of fun things coming up and I can’t wait to participate int the #PairYourEats challenge Sept.1!
You are so welcome! I loved your post. Thanks for being a BSW fan.