Thursday Thoughts: 5 Ways to Reset Your Racing Mind

I’ll never forget the time that I did yoga in the busy streets of Times Square.

I thought it would be more challenging to find a calm place amongst the chaos, but during my practice I had a realization that this is how I always live my life. A constant tug-o-war in my mind that battles the calm and patient me with the other side of that thrives on chaos that, in truth, I just can’t shut down. My mind goes into overdrive. Over-responding, over-worrying, over-thinking. And then, it can be as calm as the sea, stable and grounded. And that feels so… pleasant.

My mind needs some major stabilizing. My foundation is shaky which is why I can easily get sucked into the mental addiction of chaos that turns and burns in my head. So what is an antidote for a chaotic mind? Patience. Patience can ground a busy mind. When our mind is grounded we can focus on the present and not waste our energy on what other people are thinking and doing and instead focus on ourselves. We can ignore the constant drone of planning and remembering and enjoy the walk you are on, your talk with your friend or the movie you are watching.

Are you ready to stabilize your busy mind? Here are 5 ways to promote stability in your mind and beyond:

1. Be Kind to your Mind

Getting upset about the constant chatter will only cause a bout of negativity. Instead of scolding your mind, be aware of the chatter and gently urge your mind to focus on the task at hand. You may have to do this exercise several times throughout the day, but don’t get discouraged!

2. Train your Mind

Think of your mind as a puppy that wanders around because he doesn’t know any better. Just like you have to teach a puppy a new set of skills, you have to do the same for your mind. If it begins to wander, grab your mental leash and rein it back.

3. Post-It Note It

Every day is full of the need to remember and plan, but you don’t have to keep all of these to-dos stored in your brain. Writing things down will free some mental space for you. Try being a note taker instead of cataloging everything in your head.

4. Envision the Outgoing Tide

Imagine yourself sitting on the beach and watching the waves coming in and washing your thoughts away. This may seem like a silly exercise, but it is a powerful tool to use when you are feeling extremely chaotic.

5. Unplug from Technology

The tech world is a glorious place, but it also adds a lot of additional noise. I often find myself taking advantage of it as I watch a show, surf the web and text message which is obviously overstimulating  my mind. Take a media break. You will be shocked by how much quieter your mind will be.

How do you ground your mind? Do any of the above tips work for you?

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