What Does 200 Calories Of Your Favorite Thanksgiving Food Look Like?

On Thanksgiving, a lot of people tend to throw caution to the wind when it comes to calories, macros or even just downright  nutrients. By the end of the night, many of our plates end up looking like a grey mass from all the stuffing, mashed potatoes, bread rolls and turkey. Salad? Heck, you probably won’t see a single green all day… unless, of course, it’s a green bean drowning in french onions and gravy.

While we all deserve to let loose, it’s also important to have some semblance of an idea of what we are putting into our bodies. Plus, it’s always good to keep abstract tabs of what we’re eating if we don’t want to gain any holiday weight. Lest I remind you that adding 3,500 calories on top of your normal intake means gaining one pound of weight.

Take a look at the Business Insider infographic below at some average servings of your favorite Thanksgiving foods – from turkey to pecan pie – for 200 calories. While some you may not want to have a full 200 calories off (who wants 2 cups of gravy?!) we think sticking to only a 1/2 cup of mash is easier said than done.

Image via Business Insider

Let’s be honest, these are all fairly conservative portions, but if you eat all of this on top of your regularly allotted calories, you still wouldn’t gain a pound! Phew, we’re relieved, because we were definitely banking on having both pumpkin and pecan pie…

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Do you count Thanksgiving calories or totally throw caution to the wind?