Pros & Cons of Getting The Flu Shot

In the past few years, new strains of the flu that have emerged have seemed like something straight from a horror movie. Whether it’s the standard flu, the bird flu, or the swine flu, it seems as though the symptoms are getting more severe than just the average bug we had when we were younger. For the most part, getting the flu vaccine can help prevent catching the flu, yet there are still drawbacks for getting the shot. Getting the flu shot is a tough decision for some, and everyone must consider both the positives and the negatives before getting a flu shot.

Some swear by the flu shot and others are completely against it. So, what exactly are some of the pros and cons to getting the shot? Your decision may become a bit easier after reading some of the facts.


  • It’s a myth that getting the flu shot will give you the flu. While you may feel a little under the weather post-flu shot, the symptoms are minor and may last a day or two.

  • This year’s flu shot protects you from up to three different strains.

  • There is a nasal spray option for those who hate getting shots. It’s available for healthy people above the age of 2.

  • Free for some employees! Many companies offer free flu shots for their employees. Everyone loves free stuff, so why not a free shot? Plus, you no longer have to worry about using those sick days from getting the flu.

  • For those allergic to eggs, there is a new egg-free shot being offered called Flublok (cultured in caterpillar cells!)


  • Unfortunately, the flu shot isn’t a 100% guaranteed way to prevent the flu. Though your chances of getting sick do decrease, it doesn’t ward off the flu altogether.

  • There is a 2-week gap between getting the flu shot and when the shot begins to take effect. Not getting the shot, you do put yourself at the same risk.

  • Mercury is another reason that people are afraid to get a flu shot. Flu shots have minor amounts of mercury as a preservative. Mercury has been linked to brain and nerve disorders, which is an uneasy thought for everyone getting the flu shot.

  • Minor side effects are also a risk that those who get the flu shot may need to take. Side effects may range from soreness in the area the shot was given in, they also can cause fevers in some patients. These symptoms generally clear up pretty quick and shouldn’t be mistaken for the flu.

With so many strains of the flu constantly emerging, you may be better off getting a shot. If you’re someone who never gets sick and has had luck in the past without getting a shot, why change your routine now? Getting a flu shot is a personal choice, and depends on the person. Considering all the facts before getting a flu shot, or any other type of shot, can help determine whether or not you will benefit from it. Keeping in mind your health risks, allergies, and talking to your doctor are good precautionary measures to take before getting the flu shot.

What do you think of the flu shot?


  1. FLU SHOTS…YAY or NAY? |

    […] Last week, my company made an announcement that they will be providing free flu shots for its’ employees. I thought about and weight the pro’s and con’s. I also, found this great article that helped a bit. […]