Naughty or Nice? Cuisine that Deserves a Double Take

Naughty or nice? The holiday is full of “bad” foods, but many of them have hidden health benefits when consumed in moderation. Check your list twice with these food choices that are pinned as naughty but are actually nice in the nutrient department.

Chocolate: A melt-in-your-mouth morsel of chocolate contains some of the same antioxidants called flavonoids that are found in dark green veggies—the fighter of cancer and heart disease. The delectable bits are also a mood booster. Tell Santa to stuff your stocking with dark chocolate that is higher in flavonoids and more pure (which means less fatty cocoa butter) to keep the calories in check.

Nuts: Not talking about the kind double-dipped in sugar, but a small handful of nuts are chock full of fiber and protein. People tend to steer clear of nuts at holiday parties because they are high in fat, but its monounsaturated fat which is the heart-healthy, “good” kind that helps you feel full. Keep pre-portioned bags of these nutrition packed nuggets for safe snacking or opt for the nuts that come shelled since time spent cracking likely means less calories consumed.

Cheese: Gnawing on veggies pre-party is great, but a piece of cheese can go a long way. Although cheese is high in fat and calories, the forbidden dairy also has a healthy boost of calcium and protein. To get your fix try cheeses like goat, brie or parmesan that are strong in flavor so you don’t need to include as much. Achieve bone-building cheesy goodness with less fat by grubbing on cottage cheese, feta or mozzarella.

Beef: It was “what’s for dinner” and now it has a bad reputation for its high saturated fat and cholesterol content that has it exiled from the plates of healthy eaters. Chicken lovers listen up: lean cuts of beef like filet mignon or flank steak are an excellent source of protein, lower in fat and chock full of nutrients like iron, zinc and vitamin B12 (which is crucial for a healthy nervous system). Those weary of giving into the red meat temptation can add steak to kebabs, stir-fry or salads where you are getting bulk from veggies and still reap the benefits of beef.

Coffee: A cappuccino after your holiday meal can be a delight especially since it is rich in antioxidants. Research has been brewing that coffee may actually be beneficial to your health and reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes or depression. The downside of your cup of java gets a lot of hype when it comes to the added milk, sweeteners and toppings. Enjoy a cup of coffee but steer clear of the extras.

Alcohol: Cheers to the New Year…in moderation, a drink can do our body good. The heavily repeated good news is that the champagne toast may reduce your risk of heart disease and increase HDL “good” cholesterol. When booze hits the naughty list is when you overdo it on the egg nog and hot buttered rum. ‘Tis the season to overindulge, but you can receive the benefits of spirits with drinks like wine spritzers (wine with club soda) and still stay in control of the empty calorie counter. A little goes a long way in the health department.

How do you incorporate these naughty and nice food choices into your healthy meals?

Photo courtesy of Rob Qld via Flickr (CC BY 3.0)