Daily Bite [Sweat]: Go For a Fartlek Run

National Running Day Fartlek Run Feature Photo

Today is National Running Day! Get out of your hump day slump by getting active and adding a running workout to your day to celebrate.

National Running Day Logo

Your initial reaction to hearing the word fartlek might be a giggle, but the term is a actually Swedish word that translates to “speed play,” and is a type of training used by runners and other athletes. As its name implies, a fartlek run involves mixing up speeds with different distances or time intervals to give a truly unique training experience.

Fartlek runs can be adapted to all training levels, and can be done on a road, trail, track, or even a treadmill. They’re great for beginners because they can provide an introduction to speed and interval training. For more experienced runners a fartlek run is an exciting way to break out of a boring routine, as well as a  useful tool for improving both speed and endurance.

The key to a successful fartlek is to keep switching things up. If you’re running on city streets, this can mean sprinting to the nearest fire hydrant, lamp post, or other landmark, and then walking or jogging for a block to recover. If you’re indoors, play around with the speed buttons on the treadmill. The beauty of a fartlek run is the ability to constantly adjust and improvise to add interesting and engaging new challenges to your workout. Here’s an example from Fitsugar to help get you started!

Fartlek Workout from Fitsugar

How are you celebrating National Running Day? What’s your favorite type of running workout? Tell us below! 

photo credit: Thomas Hawk via photopin cc