Music Monday: Intervals and Arm Workout to My Body

“My Body,” by Young the Giant: If there’s one song in the history of the world that belongs in a gym, it’s this one. Sure, it’s not new, and it’s not on the Top 40, but just listen to it once and you’ll be hitting the treadmill in no time. First off all, the lyrics: “My body tells me no, but I won’t quit ’cause I want more.” I mean, come on. If that’s not motivation to run one more mile, then I don’t know what is. The greatest part of the song, however, is its beat and its timing. Each chorus is exactly 30 seconds. Do you know what that means? Interval workouts. Hop on the treadmill (or the pavement — whichever you prefer), mildly jog for the verses, and then sprint during each chorus. For “My Body,” your workout would look something like this: Jog for one minute, sprint for 30 seconds, jog for 30 seconds, sprint for 30 seconds, jog for one minute, sprint for 30 seconds. That’s one full run through of the song, and you’ll definitely be sweating. Throw the song on repeat and get moving!

But what if you’re not a runner? Don’t worry — Young the Giant doesn’t discriminate and neither do we. We’ve created the perfect arm workout to go with the perfect song.


The Beat:

The Workout: