Music Monday: Flo Rida + Abs Routine

I’m one of those people who has to listen to music while working out. My intensity can be dependent on the jam playing through my head phones. A snappy, upbeat song can help push me over that hill (or not). And the perfect cool down song gives loads of satisfaction…”yes you made it to the end of your sweat session.” If you are anything like me, you ever have that ONE song that you always turn to when you are working your arms or flip to when you are ready to focus on your stomach? I’ll admit that I am still a sucker for “Toxic” to get me into the gym groove.

Music Monday is adding some versatility to your playlist and your workout by pairing a song from the top charts with a workout that fits the beat. It is a win-win: More songs to add to your playlist. More exercises to add to your workout routines.

To start the Workout Beats series we are featuring Flo Rida’s “Whistle” from his newest album Wild Ones.

Flo Rida’s ode to whistling is not the best song in the world, but the guitar-driven song with the whistle melody has catchy, consistent beats that are perfect to get your core contracting. And you can think about being in Florida while you work it out. Oh Flo Rida…you are so clever.

The Beat:


The Workout:


Do you have a song you want featured in Music Monday? What is your favorite ab working move? Share your thoughts in the comment section!

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