Medlar Fruit Fever

If you are in the fancy fruit club you would know about the lesser known medlar fruit.

Unlike most fruits, medlar fruit is to be eaten when it is squishy. If it is eaten prematurely you will be hit with a harsh flavor and it is only after the ripening process known as bletting that you can indulge one of autumn’s best kept fruit secrets. When the fruit reaches its peak softness with the taste and feel of fruit butter, you know it is time to bite in. Sounds appetizing, right? The medlar appears in markets when autumn hits, but it is really a fruit to enjoy in the winter months after it has had the proper amount of time to ripen in a cool dry place.

The compost brown heap takes some getting used to because you have to get past the fact that rotton equals goodness. But, once you get past the strangeness of the bletting and embrace the soft medlar you are in for a treat. It tastes like apple sauce with delicate notes of cinnamon, vanilla and cider. The complex combination of several flavors is a blissful flavor on your tongue. The consistency of the pulp is like a baked sweet potato. Think of it as fruit butter served to you conveniently on the skin of a medlar instead of on a piece of toast. It is the classic tale of I-am-ugly-but-I-taste-so-good.


The elusive small brown fruit used to make appearances in many medieval and Renaissance-era feasts. These days they are harder to come by but now that you are in-the-know you may have an easier hunt for the medlar. It is unlikely that you will find a medlar on your supermarket shelf, but a farmer’s market my surprise you.

So how can you eat a fruit that is basically pulp? You can enjoy the fruit out of your hand by breaking the skin open and slurping up the buttery insides with a spoon or a straw. Or try one of these recipes:

  • Take the buttery medlar substance and mix it into your oatmeal or yogurt.
  • Spread some medlar fruit on your morning toast, bagel or English muffin.
  • A popular method of eating the bletted medlars in the the form of jelly. Here is a jelly recipe to meddle with.
  • You can even bake with a medlar. Try this medlar cupcake recipe.

Are you brave enough to give the medlar a try? How would you eat it?

photo credit: Nick Turland via photopin cc


  1. Ellen

    I am gettin so behind in keeping with my “fruits I should try” list! I’ve checked off kumquats and dragon fruit, but this will be another to look for!

    • Talia

      I love that you even have a list of fruits you should try! Hopefully it was partially inspired by the Weekly Bite 🙂

  2. the Urbane Forager

    Thanks for the medlar Jelly link btw.
    This year (quite soon in fact) I intend to make Medlar Wine.
    I have found a new tree up in the University grounds in Southampton (UK) where we live.

    • Talia

      That sounds amazing Alan! Can’t wait for that recipe…seems like that is another popular medlar recipe besides jelly 🙂

  3. the Urbane Forager

    Hi Talia
    My Medlar Wine post is up now – although I’m having to do it in two parts; first for picking the medlars and the recipe etc and the next with the making process, once the fruits have bletted.
    I guess I will need to be a third one too (my favourite part), the wine testing 😉