4 Ways You Can Cut Back On Holiday Stress

While the holidays are a jolly good time, they can also be… stressful.

With so much shopping, spending, cooking, hosting and chores to do, it may be hard to stay level-headed and stay in a good mood. Especially when you’re the one making sure everything gets done.

Whether or not you have accomplished everything on your holiday to-do list or gotten everything on your shopping list, Christmas is right around the corner and now more than ever is when you should learn how to manage holiday stress.

The video above gives some great advice that will make you feel much more level headed and positive like: treating yourself, streamlining gift wrapping, making SIMPLE party snacks, taking shortcuts like e-cards instead of mailed cards and organizing clean up.

It may not sound like much but this may just help free up more of your time to spend with family and friends and less time worrying!

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How do you manage holiday stress?