Make-Up Health: When to Ditch Your Goods

When is the last time you cleaned your make-up brushes?

Not to freak you out, but there is every kind of staphylococcus, micrococcus and possibly even e.coli bacteria lurking on your makeup. Are you disgusted yet? The amount of bacteria living in your product is kind of astounding and, well, gross.

With all of the make-up products a girl owns (and believe me I’ve got a lot, I’m a make-up junkie) it’s important to know when to clean your brushes and throw out all of the lipstick, mascara, eyeliner and other wonderful product that make us even more beautiful than we already are!

If you are anything like me, you love to use your mascara until the very last drop before ditching it for a new one. But many of our beauty products have a shelf life just like our food does. It is important for the health of your skin to dump and clean that make-up bag on a schedule.

Here are some tips on when to toss and wash your make-up to keep them in the non-bacteria zone:

Do you follow this schedule like a pro? Any make-up horror stories to tell? It is Halloween after all!

Research assistance by Hadley.


  1. Ellen

    Oh man, I’m terrible about tossing stuff. I wish mascara was sold in smaller(less pricy) containers. I don’t know anyone who could use the standard size in a short enough time span!

    • Talia

      That’s true! Maybe we should take that up with the cosmetic companies of the world. I know at Target they have a brand called Elf that I have used a couple of times because it is pretty inexpensive.

  2. Jo

    Helpful post!

    I’ve read this about mascara before. It still irks me to have to toss it every 3 months. That just seems like such a short life for a product!

    • Talia

      I know! It is like a beauty company ploy to have us buy more and more of their product. But better that than bacteria! Thanks for reading Jo!