Link Love: Wellness Reads for the Rainy Weekend

We are completely bummed that the NYC forecast is rain, rain, rain.But at least we have plenty of wellness reads to keep us occupied. Here are some of our favorites for the week. Get reading!

Fitnessy Reads

Since we are already part of the healthy crew, we are loving the new guidelines on health insurance that reward us with up to a 30% discount on our insurance by being fit.  (via Women’s Health)

Beauty-Full Advice

Brighten your skin with these simple tips so your appearance matches the sunny summer weather.  (via Acne Skin Site)

Work, Life and Stuff

With summer on the horizon, you may be able to fix your sleep cycle with some of the extra leisure time. Here are 6 tips for better sleep this summer.  (via CNN Health)

Don’t MIND if We Do

None of us are strangers to procrastination. Here are the real reasons why we fall into this bad habit and how to snap out of it.  (via Greatist)

Eat Me

From butter flavor to Tabasco, here are 9 of the weirdest lollipop flavors out there. Are you brave enough to try one? (via Blisstree)

Blog in the Limelight

If you have plans for a summer vacation you must read this post from Erika. She spills the beans on how she went to an all-inclusive resort and managed to lose weight. Great tips!  (via The Sweet Life)

Selfish Shout Out

Is your fridge always full of leftovers? Here are 5 recipes you can use to reduce food waste.  (via Bite Size Wellness)

What did we miss? Share your favorite links from this week below!


  1. GiGi Eats Celebrities

    My tip to sleeping amazingly well this summer… TURN ON THE AC… Oh and my other tip, work out in the morning! Seriously, it works like a charm. It gives you tons of energy all day but then come 10 or 11 pm, you’re ready to ZONK OUT!