It’s Eat a Peach Day: 5 Healthy Facts

I bet the people of Georgia are going crazy today celebrating their state fruit since August 22 is National Eat a Peach Day. 

Peaches are the darlings of summer stone fruit, but they are often overlooked for the nutritional perks since the natural sweetness of the fuzzy beauties tends to land them in dessert dishes.

However, the sun-kissed fruit are full of health benefits:

  1. One cup of peaches has only 60 calories so it makes a healthy grab and go snack.
  2. Peaches are packed with fiber, vitamins, minerals and carotenoids.
  3. Full of vitamin A and C, the peach is a major immunity booster.
  4. Peaches can help guard against blindness because of the high amount of lutein and zeaxanthin.
  5. Rich in iron and potassium, peaches help with proper cell function.

As if you need more reasons to love the sweet, juicy and good for you peach, here is an infographic that explains more fun peach facts and 3 delicious ways to enjoy summer’s favorite stone fruit:

Celebrating National Peach Month

It’s sad to say that with summer coming to a close, peach season is at its end as well. So celebrate while you can and eat a peach. And when the dog days of summer come to a close you can still listen to the Allman Brothers and feel peachy keen. Total throwback, right?

photo credit: Thomas Hawk via photo pin cc


  1. Jana

    Peaches are one of my favorite fruits of all time. They are so delicious on their own or in just about any summer salad or dish. I have some in my fridge as we speak. I love it that they are so healthy and low cal. I blend a whole peach with a cup of green tea and sip it over ice on a hot summer day. Yum!