Infographic: Why Most Diets Fail

Raise your hand if you are a diet hopper? The sad statistic is that typically 95% of our diet-based weight loss efforts end up failing.
Personally I am a believer in the lifestyle change approach rather than the cabbage soup diet method because ultimately those end up being a complete flop. There is only so much cabbage soup one can take! Pin down the reason that your attempts at healthy eating are failing so you don’t repeat the same mistakes twice.
Have you started a diet and failed? What is the biggest hurdle on your healthy lifestyle path?


  1. Sabrina at MyMiBoSo

    Really great infographic Talia – thanks for sharing this! I second the point about GREAT SUPPORT – we try to often to take challenges on alone when there can be a better way!

    • Talia

      Thanks Sabrina! I have gone back and forth on diets so many times because of the reasons listed in this infographic…hopefully some people can skip the diet yo-yo game and recognize some of these “issues” moving forward too 🙂

  2. Jana

    Awesome infographic! I love it. Pinning to my Cool Infographics board.You are right about tracking your progress. I believe in keeping a nutrition journal to keep yourself in check. I use one by Moleskine that I love and I have a friend who really likes to do her tracking online at Thanks for this great tool!

    • Talia

      I have never heard of those tracking tools! I will have to check them out. Glad you pinned…I am a sucker for good visuals too 🙂