Infographic: 7 Essential Mental Activities

Everyone thinks that the world’s biggest health epidemic is obesity. There is a ton of chatter on the super-sized lifestyle and how to create better eating and fitness habits.

But there is another health problem sweeping our nation that is incredibly important but gets very little screen time: complete and utter overwhelm. Too many people are neglecting their mental well-being by stretching their mind to the max through endless bouts of multi-tasking and information overload.

Even though we use our thinker for everything we do, we take our brain for granted. It is important to create good mental habits—and this is something that should be discussed in the health world more often. The Healthy Mind Platter created by Dr. Daniel J. Siegel, clinical professor of psychiatry at the UCLA School of Medicine, and Dr. David Rock, co-founder of the NeuroLeadership Group, shares seven essential mental activities that give you a full dosage of mental nutrition for a healthy, happy brain. Think of these activities like a food pyramid specifically for your mind—you need each of these servings to strengthen your brain and create a well-rounded wellbeing.

Give your noggin the TLC it needs with these 7 mental nutrients that your brain needs to function at its best. Make this your desktop background so you are constantly reminded what mental activities you should do daily!

What mental activity do you need to focus more on? What area do you excel? Let’s chat about our mind below!  

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    • Talia

      I’m super strict about my sleeping time because it takes me FOREVER to finally turn my brain off and when I mess with my shut eye I am a bear the next day. But I definitely need to work on the relaxation time more!

    • Talia

      Thanks Sarah! I love how fitfluential connects so many of us together. Hope you get your daily dose of mental health in today!

    • Talia

      Hi Erin! Thanks for stopping by BSW. I am so happy to see you here! I am a true believer in keeping our mind healthy for the sake of our body. 🙂