How To REALLY Follow A Juice Diet

There are so many time throughout the year that people turn to a juice diet to give themselves a bit of detox. Everyone from Gwyneth Paltrow to Salma Hayek have given the power of juice a try.

So, if you’re thinking about taking the plunge, you’re going to want to watch the video above, where Natalia Rose from Detox The World, guides you on the basics you need to know before you juice.

First, you have to pick a program that will work for you. This includes thinking about how many days you want to juice, and how many juices you want to consume a day. There are a lot of programs out there so choose wisely.

Another piece of advice Rose gives, is making sure you know how you will begin, transition and finish your detox. To us, the most important thing is finishing properly, so you don’t ruin all that hard work you did over the days you were juicing.

You’ll want to slowly introduce foods into your diet. Make sure they are light and healthy options, as you don’t want to give your system a jolt.

And of course, always be safe whenever you’re trying something different. A juice diet isn’t for everyone, and that’s okay.

Watch the video above to learn more.

Have you tired a juice diet before?