Healthy Habits for Fall

Happy autumn!

A change of season is a perfect time to renew, rethink and restart. The crisp air is not a reason to prepare for hibernation, throw diets out the window or let your activity slump.

Use this transitional time of year to reboot and head into the New Year on a healthy foot with these healthy tips for fall:

Fitness Tips for Fall

  • Go apple picking, head to the pumpkin patch or get lost in a corn maze. The orchard is a big place and you can take in lots of extra steps while scouting out some fall favorites.
  • Walk it off during halftime. Football doesn’t have to be a 3-hour stint in front of the TV. Set a timer on your phone and find the perfect route that brings you back to the game in time for the second half.
  • Make hiking through the fall foliage a priority. The cooler temps are the optimal time to keep in shape outdoors and take some seasonal photographs too.
  • Turn fall chores into a workout. Raking leaves and gardening can burn around 150 calories per half hour. Not bad!
  • Exercise first thing in the morning. Darkness will hit us earlier so it will feel later than it actually is and subconsciously make you feel tired. An a.m. trip to the gym will ensure you burn your calories so you can relax in the evening.

Eating Well in Autumn

  • Eat your hand picked apples. Duh.
  • Stay hydrated! Many of us decrease our water intake during the cooler months because it is not as hot outside. Stay hydrated even when the sun isn’t blazing.
  • Drink tea…and lots of it. Green and black tea contain antioxidants that can help keep flu season at bay and warm you up on a cool day.
  • Avoid holiday candy. Make sure you have a healthy snack at hand to deter you from grazing on office sweets or your kid’s Halloween candy.
  • Buy in-season produce like those talked about in the Weekly Bite so you ensure that you get the freshest fruits and vegetables while also trying new seasonal eats.
  • Nosh on winter squash. Squash is in abundance in the fall. It is a low calorie, high fiber option that should make your plate often.

Lifestyle Changes for the Cool Season

  • Strive for the 3 C’s: commitment, convenience and consistency. You can do it. Your New Year’s dress will thank you later.
  • Get involved in the community. Fall is the perfect tie to take advantage of holiday themed events. Sign up with friends and family so you can hold each other accountable.
  • Rejuvenate yourself! Fall is a great time to concentrate on the mind, body and spirit. Get a message, learn to meditate or try an activity in the arts. These emotionally and mentally fulfilling doings are good for healthy wellbeing going into the holidays.
  • Dress in layers (sort of). Lots of us bundle in hoodies and sweat pants this time of year and when coat season is over you notice your midsection expanded. Protect yourself from the cool environment, but always be able to remove layers when you are indoors so you don’t let your body get used to hiding in baggy garb.

What other healthy habits do you have for fall? What is your favorite part of the season?

photo credit: dbtelford via photopin cc