From the Health Desk: Healthy Resolutions for 2013


Bite Size Wellness is connected with a group of growing lifestyle websites related to health, cooking, travel, college, design, fashion and celebrity news. We feel lucky to be a part of a community who offers such generous support and advice so we thought we would take advantage of the wise words our website staffers have brewing in their minds with a survey straight from the health desk.

To kick things off, we are talking healthy resolutions.  Health-related goals are one of the most popular turn-of-the-calendar objectives for most people. From weight loss and exercise to healthier relationships or mental health, we can all relate to being on a quest for healthy living in the New Year. In case you are pondering what your healthy resolution will be this year, here are some goals from our crew that may inspire your healthy thoughts:

1. Beat Exercise ADD

“I have something I like to call “Exercise ADD,” which basically boils down to me get really into one form of exercise (running, yoga, spinning, etc.) for about 3 months before getting bored with it and falling off a regular workout schedule until I find something else to do. This on-and-off cycle of intense physical activity followed by a near-100% sedentary lifestyle has become pretty taxing, so this year my resolution is to break the mold and stay on a 365-day fitness regimen. I’m planning on choosing four different forms of exercise, one for each season, and sticking with each for three months before hopping onto the next one straightaway. I figure it’s a good way to keep me interested in exercise while giving my body an all-over workout over the course of the year. As of now I’m going to start with kickboxing, so let’s see how this turns out.”—Steven, Travel Freak

2. Commit to your Workouts

“My resolution for 2013 is to commit to a workout routine. I was on a dance competition team from third grade until I graduated high school. We practiced 8 hours a week, so exercise was simply built into my daily life. After high school I would go to the gym now and then or take the occasional dance or yoga class, but I never quite got back up to the same level of consistent physical activity as I did when I was competing. This year, I want to make time every day to work out, not just when it’s convenient or when I feel like it. It’s easier said than done, but I think if I start keeping a record and tracking my progress, I’ll finally be able to stick to it!”—Nicole, Healthy Way to Cook

3. Overcome the Hectic Schedule

“I never really make New Year’s resolutions, but this year I really want to try to make more time to go to the gym. Between work and commuting I have hardly any free time, so I need to try to find ways to sneak in workouts into my already hectic schedule. Challenge accepted!” –Brittney, Surviving College

4. Get into a Routine

“I have two big healthy new year’s resolutions. My first is a healthy resolution that has always eluded me in college: to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day. I’ve been working really hard to incorporate that into my post grad life, but those nights you decide to “act your age” have certainly set me back on several occasions. My second is to make and eat breakfast at home every day. I have a tendency to easily slip into the fast food breakfast habit, and it not only hurts my wallet but my waistline as well! I hope that if I actively work on both of these goals, they can transform my lifestyle for the better. Now, if I can only work on my willpower…” –Pam, Redesign Revolution

5. Stick to a Calorie Plan

“My new year’s resolution is going to be to get back into shape. It’s something I’ve often thought to myself but I think this time around I’ll actually follow through. One of the ways that’s going to help is by modifying what I eat but not by doing some crazy elimination diet (i.e. no carbs, sugar, cheese, etc) but rather approaching if from a caloric standpoint. I think that diets that eliminate foods all together don’t work because overall they’re not sustainable and you know sooner or later, you’re going to want some pie. I know I will.”—Mustafah, Haute Talk

6. Stop the Sugar Rush

“Lindsay Lohan continues to walk the streets as a free woman, so lowlife entertainment writers will have to be eternally vigilant. Sadly, I’m trying to lower my sugar intake in 2013. That means giving up my beloved sugar rushes. I’m not stupid enough to think that diet sodas are good for me, so I’m going to try to kill my sweets cravings with sugar-free green tea. There are all kinds of advantages to green tea, but I’m hoping to benefit from how it increases the metabolic rate. Also, it looks like a higher percentage of the added energy that you get from green tea is derived from fat. The only problem is that green tea has a recommended maximum of three cups a day. I’m going to have to break into the coffee, too. Damn that Lindsay Lohan.”—JR, Celebrity Watchdog

And what is my health resolution you ask? Stop the health lies! You know, the “my diet starts tomorrow” nonsense. Can you relate?

Huge thanks to our blog buddies for participating!

Is your resolution health related? Do you commit to a year-long resolution? 

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