Foodie Pen Pal: Birthday Box

First things first, it is time to announce the winner of my Spa Week gift card giveaway! Drum roll please….congratulations to Shannon!

Contact me at Talia [at] m80marketing [dot] com to receive your relaxing prize! Stay tuned for my next giveaway coming up soon.

Now on to one of the best times of the month…the reveal of my Foodie Pen Pal package inspired by Lindsay from The Lean Green Bean! It is much harder than I thought it would be to keep my lips sealed for so many days on the delicious treats that are being sent to me. Anyone else involved in the foodie exchange program agree? Reveal day is always a great day!

This month I was sent a birthday box from the wonderful Racheal from Running with Racheal. I say this every month, but one of the best parts of being a Foodie Pen Pal is connecting with new, like-minded health bloggers. Racheal always puts Weight Watchers’ Points values on her food photos and I love that she keeps it real with her food and holds herself accountable everyday. You should definitely check out her blog! The box she sent was right up my alley–full of new treats and new flavors of some favorite eats. She really nailed it!

I have to say the highlight of the box was the Works All Natural Chips made by Food Should Taste Good. They are almost like a cracker-chip hybrid. I love that the ingredient list is high on spices and full of things I know how to say. Plus the “chips” are high in mono and poly unsaturated fat with a healthy serving of fiber and protein. On their own, dipped in hummus or salsa (like the black bean and corn salsa Racheal sent!) or served with cheese, these Work chips are fantastic. I have my eyes peeled for the sweet potato flavor!

 My husband sometimes thinks the Foodie Pen Pal boxes are his and swooned over the popcorn with the salt and vinegar popcorn seasoning. Um, can I have some please?

I also was sent a new flavor of quinoa. Two thumbs up to protein grains and especially ones that are flavored with roasted red pepper and basil. Last, but not least, Racheal sent a balsamic garlic mixture that is heavenly. Garlic is a base to basically everything I eat and balsamic is a favorite flavor! My husband literally laps the stuff up. We marinated some chicken in this and it was heavenly.

Thank you Racheal for making my taste buds so happy!

Take a look at what I sent Leila (and her growing little spinach) at Spinach and Skittles. Some treats I definitely wanted to keep for myself, but decided to share with her instead!

Now it is your turn to be a part of the Foodie Pen Pal program. Sign up at the Lean Green Bean’s blog or email Lindsay at It is so much fun! You do not want to miss out.


  1. Jenn L @ Peas and Crayons

    I’m a teeny bit hooked on FSTG chips but actually haven’t tried The Works variety yet! I bet they’re gooood! The SP ones rock so much — for sure hunt them down! They pair like champs with black bean dip. Luckily I have a bag in my pantry b/c just THINKING about them makes me crave em! =) Happy Monday dollface! xoxo

    • Talia

      Oh I am so glad you told me to dip them in black beans! That sounds splendid. I didn’t realize FSTG had so many other fun flavors to try out. I’m so so excited to try them all! Hope your week is off to a great start.

  2. Jana Hartley

    Hey, that all looks so good. I did the Foodie Pen Pal this month too and it was SO MUCH FUN. My Pen Pal sent me Lemon Polenta Cookies! They were better than the chocolate mousse mouse that she also sent. I was in foodie heaven. Don’t get me wrong, I mean, I am a quinoa fan! Quinoa all the way! And that sea salt and vinegar popcorn topper, I have got to find me some of that!

    But….Lemon Polenta Cookies….

    • Talia

      Wow! You totally scored too. I am so glad you signed up! I don’t normally have a huge sweet tooth, but lemon treats do get me…I will have to get my hands on some of those!

  3. Tamara

    Talia, your treats look amazing! My hubby and kids drool over my foodie pen pals package when it arrives. This month, I hid the chocolate bar so I could (greedily) keep it all to myself!

    Thanks for sharing!

    • Talia

      My husband thinks the box is for him sometimes. Get your own pen pal! haha. Hiding the special treats is not a crime in my eyes:)