Fitness Bucket List: Set a Goal

First off, I wanted to congratulate Donna for winning the NatureBox giveaway…who just so happens to be my mother-in-law. I SWEAR I have nothing to do with this! Rafflecoptor does a completely random drawing and when her name came up I laughed. I have zero luck, but apparently my family does. Hopefully this pays off in my benefit one day. So to get your box don’t call me…I’ll call you??  🙂

You can still enjoy the unique and wholesome NatureBox snacks at a discounted price by entering the code HEALTHY at checkout for a limited time. Don’t miss out!

Now on to today’s post…

I’m a huge fan of goal setting for all aspects of my life. Having something that gives you a purpose and something to be dedicated to is always positive, but even more so when it comes to fitness and health. For me, I have to make a choice every day to live a healthy lifestyle and having a list can help keep me on track and point me in the right direction.

I saw many of my fellow Fitfluential Ambassadors creating Fitness Bucket Lists and thought it would be great to put my list out there as a Fitfluential newbie. (Be sure to check them out…you don’t have to be a blogger to participate!).

Without further ado, here is my Fitness Bucket List:

Attend a Yoga Retreat: I’ve experienced the joy of doing yoga on the beach and all I can say is that I want more! An escape that is dedicated to my inner yogi in a tropical paradise would be refreshing and rejuvenating.

Take a Barre Class: In my high school days I was a dancer so I know that a barre workout would appeal to me and bring back many memories. MUST TRY.

Scuba Dive Somewhere Exotic: Truth be told, I am terrified to scuba dive but I am equally fascinated by what lives in the water. I also know that scuba diving is a very physical activity. So if I ever get over my fear…I would love to swim with the fishes!

Run a Race through Napa Valley: As far as destination races go, Napa Valley is high on my list. Plus, nothing sounds better than indulging in a little vino post-race. And speaking of running…

Say I know what a Runner’s High Feels Like: This must be urban legend because I don’t know what you are talking about. Running is difficult for me so I’d love to get past the torture hump!

Try a Tri: I am the world’s worst swimmer (which may be why I’m fearful of scuba diving) so the thought of floundering next to a swarm of active people gives me extreme anxiety. My mother-in-law does an annual mini-tri for breast cancer. One year I want to join her.

Give the Bolder Boulder another Shot (maybe): My first time running the Bolder Boulder was a complete disaster. I was VERY unprepared and struggled the entire way through it. Another thing to add to the “I wish running was easier for me” list. With LOTS of preparation I would like to try the race again and hope that I don’t huff and puff the whole way through.

Do a Set of 10 Regular Push-ups: I know all of you fitness rock stars are laughing at me, but for me this seems impossible! The modified push-up has been my friend for years. I hope to take the word modified out of my vocabulary.

Find my Happy Weight: My weight has been a struggle for me for as long as I can remember so I would love to get to my “comfort zone” and master the art of maintenance once and for all. This obviously includes healthy eating but another huge part is sticking to a fitness routine and stopping my yo-yo mentality. Big dreams, yes.

Watch my brother in the Olympics: Okay…I know watching isn’t the same as doing BUT it is a fitness event and I promise to jump around like crazy to burn some calories. My brother is a competitive freestyle skier (think moguls and jumps) and is so close to fulfilling his dream. You can do it bro!

Having a goal list like this can help beat laziness syndrome too! Did you see my guest post for Healing Lifestyles and Spas’ Daily Retreat and Renew? I shared 9 tips to nip laziness in the butt!

Your turn: What’s on your fitness bucket list? 

Yoga retreat image via
Napa Valley image via  
Push-up image via


  1. Jenn L @ Peas and Crayons

    I’ve yet to run a race of any sort — so that gem is at the top of my bucket list! Though I pretty much want to copy and paste your entire list into mine b/c its fabulous! I’d love to try a trialthalon and was actually daydreaming about it yesterday… I think I could do it!

  2. Ellen

    Cool thing to think about. As a dancer my goal is usually to nail a triple pirouette. It happens occasionally but not consistently.
    A hiking goal I have is to hike all the way in to the Grand Canyon, spend the night(you are actually not allowed to hike in and out in one day, it is that rough!) then hike out the next day. I’ve gone halfway in and then out and that alone took most of the day!

    • Talia

      I love your dance goal! When I used to do that I was always striving for that one too. The Grand Canyon would be AMAZING! I have never even seen it let alone gone into it so you are way ahead of me!