Fave Things Friday: Healthy Memorial Day Grilling Goodies

With Monday being Memorial Day, there is a 95% chance that you will be grilling.

Grill smarter and healthier with some of our favorite tools:

1. Lazzari Natural Mesquite Charcoal from Bevmo!


The lump charcoal is made from pure mesquite wood. It contains no coal, additives, fillers or chemicals. We like that your grilling is ecologically friendly, don’t you? ($29 for 40 pounds)

2. Bug-Repellent Soy Candle from Nature Maiden

One of the cons of enjoying the great outdoors is dealing with summertime pests. Be free of swatting and itching with these delectable lemongrass and cedar wood candle that will keep the bugs away. The soy wax burns slowly and is an excellent alternative to the citronella candle. ($7.99 each)

3. On-the-Go Tableware from Preserve Product

Hosting a cookout is a great time to mingle with friends and family but it also causes a large pile of trash. Instead of stocking up on the paper plates and plastic cups, get your hands on Preserve’s On-the-Go Tableware. The durable and dishwasher safe product is plastic ware that can be used over and over again post-party. They won’t crack, warp or break and are made of 100% recycled plastic. Smart investment! ($20.99 for 10 pack)

Do you have any healthy grilling tools we need to get our hands on before BBQ season officially starts? 

photo credit: Robert S. Donovan via photopin cc