Fave Things Friday: Green Juices to Quench Your Thirst

Green Juice Feature

It seems like every supermarket or grocery store you walk into these days has a spot in the juice section of their refrigerators dedicated to bottles filled with green, goopy-looking liquid. I’ll admit that the first time I saw a bottle of  the green stuff several years ago – which happened to be Naked Juice’s Green Machine – I was  more than a little puzzled as to why a beverage of that color even existed. The times have, however, changed. And by a lot. These days I find myself craving a green juice to quench my thirst after a tough workout or as a refreshing light meal on a hot summer day.

Throughout the summer I have been scouring the city in search of a new bottle of green goodies to call my favorite. Fortunately, I have found a handful that I love, and now I’m sharing my discoveries with you!

1. Chill! From Luli Tonix


I picked up this bottle of Luli Tonix after a super-sweaty Soul-Cycle class during last week’s epic heatwave. The name was what initially caught my eye – I figured it might give me a little extra help cooling down. Luckily for me, it seemed like it worked! The combination of cilantro, mint, and lemon made me feel instantly refreshed even after just one sip. The pineapple, mango, and figs provided just a hint of sweetness to the juice adding to its all-around deliciousness. But what I like best about Luli Tonix is that it is a blended juice – it doesn’t ever feel like you’re sipping on watered down veggie remnants. Its consistency is more like that of a smoothie, making it both refreshing and satisfying enough to be a meal substitute. Luli Tonix is currently only available in very select retailers in Manhattan, but considering how delicious it was, I expect its availability to start growing soon!

2. Green Coco from Organic Avenue

Green Coco

This past April, I decided that I needed to do a little “spring cleaning” of my personal health and purchased a 1-day juice cleanse from Organic Avenue to put an end to my unhealthy college eating and drinking habits. The green coco juice was one of my favorite of the selection of 6 juices provided for the cleanse. It is extremely light, and refreshing as it is made from a combination of coconut water and greens. It felt like a healthier, more nutritious version of the coconut water that I typically down after a workout. Organic Avenue has several retail locations throughout New York City, and they also ship their juices and salads nationally!

3. Sweetpress from Sweetgreen

Sweetgreen has finally arrived in NYC! The DC-based healthy restaurant chain officially opened its 20th location, and of course I had to be there on opening day (yesterday) to check it out. While I knew the spot was famous for its delicious locally-sourced, organic salads, I wasn’t aware that they also offered a selection of organic, cold-pressed juices as well. I chose a juice made of apple, ginger, grapefruit, romaine, mint, bok choy, and chard to go with my meal and I was absolutely delighted! The first sip was a punch in the face of fresh ginger, but as I kept drinking the tangy but sweet grapefruit mellowed out the juice and gave it an amazingly unique flavor. I also loved the light – but definitely still green – accent provided by the romaine, bok choy, and chard, which was a refreshing change from the typical kale base of green juices. Sweetpress juices are available at Sweetgreen locations in DC, Maryland, Virginia, Pennsylvania, Boston, and now New York!

4. Sweet Greens and Lemon from Evolution Fresh

I first encountered Evolution Fresh while waiting on a line in Starbucks contemplating which variation of sugary, buttery pound cake I was going to allow myself to indulge in for breakfast that morning. I’m very glad the bright green bottle and label caught my eye when it did, though, and picking up a bottle of the Sweet Greens and Lemon was probably one of the best discoveries I’ve ever made in a Starbucks. This particular green juice has all the essentials: a deep flavor derived from spinach and romaine, a hint of sweetness provided by the apple, and a healthy dose of tanginess from both lemon and lime. But then the juice also gets an additional boost of green from the addition of wheat grass, parsley, and clover sprouts. It’s a delicious and refreshing alternative to other high-calorie breakfast items. Evolution Fresh is available in a large number of retailers nationally including Starbucks locations.

Are you a fan of green juice? What’s your favorite? 

Feature image: tamara_smith_ via photopin cc