Excuse after Excuse Debunked: Get Your Butt to the Gym

You can admit it…you cringe every time you see that automatic withdrawal for your gym membership because the last time you saw the inside of your fitness center was a couple months back. We all get comfortable with our lethargic routine, but now is the time to kick the “I’ll start tomorrow” line to the curb.

Of course it is easier said than done after several weeks or months away, but when you have all of the potential exercise excuses discredited there will be nothing left to do except get sweaty.

I’m Already Falling Asleep on the Job and Now This

That sloth-like attitude is okay on occasion, but when the thought of lacing up your gym shoes sends you into a couch coma we have issues. Stop hitting the snooze button and remember that the energy you are craving can easily be achieved through physical activity. Energy produces energy so that couch crashing, meeting nodding, I’m-so-tired-it-hurts feeling will quickly be erased with a regular gym routine. Wouldn’t waking up refreshed be a change worth embracing?

Contrary to popular belief, gym-goers are not buying additional time to squeeze there sweat session in.

My Watch says there are Only 12 Hours in the Day

We know! There is no doubt that going to the gym is a time commitment, but even with the commute time there is still 24 hours in every day. Make sure a trip to the gym makes your to-do list by prioritizing your time. If early mornings are out and immediately after work is a struggle then head out later in the evening, post-dinner when the kids are in bed. When travel time is the kicker then throw in a home workout DVD or make your commute an active one by getting out that spider-web ridden bicycle. There is always time. You just need to find what works for you.

On a Scale of 1 to 10 I land on Not in the Mood

Before your mood ring points to signs of gym skipage, spend some time inspiring your mindset. A lot of motivation is mental so when you are annoyed, frustrated, grumpy or any other irritable ridden word, repeat this: “I will never regret going to the gym, but will regret not going.” Once you have a schedule set your fitness routine will be on auto-pilot and your mood won’t sway your desire to sweat it out. In fact, you will probably want to thanks to the power of endorphins. Bad day? More reason to make your yoga class.

My Safe Cave isn’t by the Treadmills

Too intimated to show your face to the fitness gurus? Failed miserably in the past and don’t want to go at it again? Stop thinking in terms of failures and have some faith in what you can accomplish. Everyone at your exercise facility was at one time a newbie too. Keep your quitter ticker in check by starting small and setting realistic goals. If you don’t push yourself you will never reap the benefits of accomplishing a goal. No one went from being a lazy-you-know-what to a professional personal trainer with Heidi Klum’s body overnight. Fear of failure can be overcome by connecting with like-minded people so seek out a twitter friend or a gym buddy that will never pass judgment.

Now…if only we can learn to take our own advice!

What do you do to keep the exercise excuses at bay?

Photo 1 courtesy of LifeSupercharger via Flicker (CC BY 3.0) 

Photo 2 courtesy of Salvatore Vuono via FreeDigitalPhotos.net 


  1. Tabata Training: Why YOU should be doing it! - Bite Size Wellness

    […] More advanced exercisers may want to choose 3 or 4 exercises to base a full Tabata workout on, making sure that no single muscle group is over-represented in the workout. For example, a 4-exercise Tabata workout might consist of squat presses, push-ups, split lunge jumps and plank rows (with just a short rest interval between exercises). A whole body, high intensity strength and cardiovascular workout done in just sixteen minutes! Who says we don’t have time to workout? […]

  2. Tracy

    There are those that will exercise without outside motivation and those that will NEVER exercise no matter what. It is the people in between that need some help and a kick in the rear from an exercise buddy.

    • Talia

      I still have high hopes for the non-worker outers that something will inspire them to move…maybe a good friend is all it takes!