Embrace ‘You’ Time: January is the Best Time to Spa

The holiday bustle is over, but your body may be in need of some serious TLC to make up for the busy season. The best way to recover: head to the spa.

Mental and physical pressures often appear as we finish off the year. We put ourselves in overdrive between party planning and attending, hours of traveling, time spent shopping and work or family get-togethers. Often we jump back into our normal routines with little time to rejuvenate or relax prior to getting involved in life’s everyday stressors. January is an excellent time to embrace a spa routine because “after all the stresses of the holidays it is nice to take time out for yourself to unwind,” says Sara Wafa, owner of Element Day Spa in Moon Township, PA.  This year, feel renewed with a spa mindset.

Becoming a spa-goer in January has its benefits. “Going to the spa isn’t just about pampering yourself, although that’s definitely a perk!” says Wafa. “Spa services are actually beneficial to your health and wellbeing.” In addition to giving relief to the pain of carrying around those heavy shopping bags, spa services can relax your muscles and aid in body movement which is the perfect complement to your exercise resolutions. A trip to the spa can reduce stress, boost your body energy and simply help you feel rejuvenated—a plus for a refreshed 2012 outlook. Physically and mentally soothing, Wafa says “taking time out for yourself to relax and forget about all your problems, even for an hour, can do wonders for your body, mind and spirit.”

According to Wafa, January is a slow time in the spa industry so often there are deals that offer incentives to get into the spa mindset. Be on the lookout for discounted massages, spa bargains like two-for-ones or coupons in local papers. Take advantage of these reduced prices as you adopt a resolution to make time for and take care of yourself. Even if you can’t make it to a spa you can pamper at home. Learn how with the help of Healing Lifestyles and Spas and their at-home spa day schedule.

After all, the New Year should be about treating (and spoiling) a new you!

Learn more about Element Day Spa.

What do you do for ‘me’ time? Tell how you pamper yourself on Facebook

Photo 1 courtesy of photostock via FreeDigitalPhotos.net
Photo 2 courtesy of nuchylee via FreeDigitalPhotos.net 


  1. Sabrina at MyMiBoSo

    How do you keep reading my mind? My post this week is about the importance of incorporating massage into a health routine!

    Great minds thinking alike over here – great post by the way!