Don’t Dry Up: Skin Quenchers on the Menu

What comes along with the comfy sweaters and cozy scarves? Dry skin.

During the winter, weather can be harsh on your skin but you can combat the chill and parched conditions by adding skin beautifying foods to the menu. Before you turn into a crocodile, nosh on these in-season foods that will leave your skin absolutely glowing (even under the layers).

  • Kale is bursting with skin beauty benefits. High in beta carotene, calcium and vitamins A and C, Kale does wonders on your skin. In addition to being the master of anti-wrinkles the leafy green prevents dry, flaky skin. Read more about kale.
  • Get crazy about cranberries. Cranberries contain phytochemicals which protect skin cells and benefit body tissue structures. The small red gems are bursting with antioxidants and full of vitamin C which can reverse breakouts and protect your outer layer. Get your cranberry fix far beyond the holidays.
  • An apple a day keeps your skin glowing. A crisp, delicious apple assists in fortifying collagen and elastin production which are crucial for your skin’s refreshed look.
  • A vitamin C rich veggie like Brussels sprouts shields your skin from sun damage even through the snowy days. Chowing on the green delights also helps undo free radical destroyers. Just one more reason to learn to love Brussels sprouts!
  • Kiwi has plenty skin-boosting benefits. The fruit is high in vitamin C which is a collagen stimulant that keeps your skin soft and firm.  Also, kiwis are rich in the skin smoother vitamin E and antioxidents which delay aging effects and keep your skin young and beautiful.
  • Put the kettle on. Warm up on a cold day and get your antioxidants by guzzling green tea. The miracle in a cup can clear cell damage on the skin, reduce inflammation, help protect against free radicals and keep your skin looking smooth and youthful.  For extra beautification apply green tea directly to the skin.

In addition to adding these winter beauty skin savers to your diet, it is important to increase your water consumption. Good hydration leads to skin that glows and looks naturally younger! Stay looking gorgeous year round from the inside out.

Do you have any winter beauty secrets? Share them with us!

Photo 1 courtesy of Photostock via

Photo 2 courtesy of ladyaustin via