Daily Bite Wellness Tip: Try Dry Brushing for Smooth Skin

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So, you have heard of and tried everything from oil pulling to macrobiotic diets, but do you make a concerted effort to treat the outside layer of your skin so meticulously? Here is a tip for those of you who are not quite sure what to do : Try dry brushing your skin!

Oftentimes, many people scrub their skin while in the shower, however, haven’t you noticed how flaky your skin gets when it’s dry? By taking a wooden bristle body brush and brushing your skin before you get wet, not only is it more likely to remove dead skin cells, but it can also open up your skin’s pores, promote circulation, and even reduce cellulite.

It is recommended to dry brush prior to each shower you take for optimal effects. In addition, we suggest you choose the right kind of brush. You might cause yourself some unnecessary irritation if you use inexpensive, synthetic versions. Try buying more natural, vegetable-derived bristle brushes for a more pleasant experience. You can find one anywhere from your local Vitamin Shoppe to Amazon. With prices averaging about $10, there will be no excuse not to get in on this trend.

In addition, the way you brush is also crucial. Do not think that you can start scrubbing your dry knee caps until they’re raw. You should only brush upwards toward the heart, in long, sweeping strokes. Make sure you apply enough pressure, but not too much.

Finally, if you need more convincing, start thinking about it this way: your skin is your body’s largest organ. If it is constantly clogged up and unable to release toxins effectively, your body will feel (and maybe even look) sluggish and dull.

For maximum and most natural glowing skin, lather on a quarter-sized amount of coconut oil on your legs post-shower to feel extra moisturized!


How do you take care of your skin?

For more Daily Bite Wellness Tips, find our full collection here.

All images via Thinkstock