Daily Bite [Watch]: Is Healthy Cereal Healthy?

They say a good day begins with a healthy breakfast, right? First of all, it kick starts your metabolism, and it keeps you fuller for longer. But a lot of people just don’t have the time to whip up a egg-white and avocado sandwich or a banana-kale protein smoothie. Most people reach for the cereal box, grab some milk, and call it a day. And that’s perfectly understandable. Cereal is easy. And, anyway, some cereal is healthy, right?

Well, you should probably watch this video. It’s not going to tell you that cereal in and of itself is bad for you — far from it — but The Huffington Post has something to tell you that might be a little, ah, shocking. In this minute-and-a-half long video, they compare the sugar content in Fruity Pebbles — which most people assume is jam-packed with sugar — to that of “healthy” alternatives, including Honey Nut Cheerios, Smart Start, and Raisin Bran. The results are pretty suprising. Of course, this is just about sugar; we’re sure fiber-wise Fruity Pebbles wouldn’t prevail. Nonetheless, it’s definitely worth the watch:

Are you surprised by these cereals’ sugar content?