Cabinet Cleanout: Guidelines on Spice Shelf Life

When was the last time you considered doing a spice cabinet cleanout? Ever?

My cabinet is no stranger to a spice campout of 10+ years. We are forgetful about dry pantry basics without visible expiration dates so often our hoard of spices live in our kitchens forever, traveling from apartment to apartment, 4 rows deep.

When it comes to spices, our inner chef cringes at the thought of tossing a full container of basil into the trash but your practical side has to let them go. It is kind of like your closet cleanout: if you aren’t wearing something, it is time to get rid of it and refresh it with new clothing. No one should be eating spices that are a decade old and expired spices should be replaced.

The key with your spice cabinet is freshness. All spices should have a scent. Although they don’t spoil the way a piece of chicken would, years down the road your spices will likely be lacking the flavor, aroma and health benefits that a fresh container of cinnamon would bring to your dishes.

So, what are reasonable guidelines for your spice life? Get the most from your ingredients with this pinnable chart:

 Pin this so you always remember!

To make your life easier moving forward with your new spice cabinet, write the expiration date on new bottles that come into your home so you will always know when to ditch them.

Are you brave enough to clean your spice cabinet? Let’s chat below!

photo credit: Amber Karnes via photopin cc


  1. Ellen

    I must confess I am sometimes in the habit of just using more of a dried spice or herb when they get old, since the flavor is less potent…not quite the same but it does in a pinch.
    I do need to be better about just buying the smallest size of seasoning though, so I use it up while its still good!

    • Talia

      Not such a bad idea for recipe desperation. But smaller containers will help you to use the spice when it is at its peak. Or you can buy a bigger container to save money and then share it with a friend or family member:)

  2. Amy Croan, MPH

    The thought crosses my mind regularly, but the price of replacing all my spices scares me! I buy mine in bulk when possible and the others I’ll make a point of using up this fall and try to have all new by the new year. Thanks for the push and the great guidelines.

    • Talia

      You are so welcome Amy! It is one of those things that we think about but never really do. I recommend buying in smaller quantities or splitting some larger containers with neighbors so you don’t have to worry about waste.

    • Talia

      There isn’t much better than fresh herbs. They are great flavor boosters that can replace salt. Thanks for reading Rachael!