Instead of stopping to smell the roses, you should stop and smell some fresh baked bread. Fresh baked bread does more than make you salivate.
According to a new study, the smell of bread can make you a kinder person and put you in a positive mood. No wonder you always have the feel-goods when you leave your local bakery.
The findings that were published in the Journal of Social Psychology said that certain smells can trigger a better mood. The study found that people were 77% more likely to alert a random passerby if they had dropped something when in front of a bakery giving off the scent of fresh bread. The same study was done in front of a clothing store and only 52% of strangers helped the person who had dropped an item. It showed that spontaneous help was offered in areas where pleasant smells are available.
Take a look at how the smell of good food goes hand in hand with altruism with today’s video from Newsy:

If a loaf of wheat bread doesn’t tickle your fancy first thing in the morning, try the Oatmeal Breakfast Bread from Oven Love. You’ll be hard pressed to not eat these portion controlled breads right out of the oven and I bet you will make it to work a much kinder person too.

Click on the photo for the recipe!
Do you think the smell of bread makes you kinder? Have you ever made homemade breakfast bread?
photo credit: mystuart via photopin cc