Bytes for Breakfast: Rosie O’Donnell Talks Dieting After Heart Attack + Heart Healthy Breakfast

After Rosie O’Donnell had a near death experience from a heart attack two months ago, she has been living her life with a new sense of purpose and getting healthy while she is at it.

The successful actress/comedian has made it her mission to take better care of herself. She has lost 12-pounds by eating more wholesome, raw foods . It is always inspiring to see a celebrity lose weight like the rest of us. It sends a message that a healthy diet without all the tricks and gimmicks can be successful.

Now, O’Donnell is an advocate of heart health and is teaching others about her experience, risks and symptoms. She will be talking about her heart attack experience and her healthy lifestyle path on the Dr. Oz Show today at 3 p.m.


One of the best foods for your heart is a bowl of oatmeal. Oats are full of omega-3 fatty acids, folate and potassium and it is known to lower levels of LDL (or bad) cholesterol which can keep your arteries clear. A perk of oats is that you can flavor in hundreds of ways so you never have to get bored of them. Check out this recipe for Chai Oatmeal from Shape Magazine. It is like Starbucks chai tea latte in a bowl.

Click on the photo for recipe directions.

Do you have any celebrities you admire for their weight loss efforts? Have a favorite oatmeal recipe to share?