Burn 300 Calories In 30 Minutes!

If there is one thing that every workout enthusiast wishes for either all or most of the time, it’s to get the most bang for their buck in the gym.

We always want to workout for an adequate amount of time that’s not too long or too short, but we want max benefits and max calorie burn. Right?

Time and time again we have heard how HIIT workouts on the treadmill and other cardio machines maximize calorie burn but if you need something you can do at home with a minimal amount of required equipment, this workout will be your saving grace.

If we’re being honest for a moment, the treadmill is a great tool, but it’s easy to get bored by it and running in general. Of course, there are many people who love running and need it for that “runner’s high” but for those of you who find it monotonous and a tedious part of your otherwise enjoyable workout routine, this is the answer for you.

This workout is all about burning calories on a time constraint. You will raise your heart rate which will burn fat (remember, there’s no such thing as spot reduction!) while strengthening major muscle groups. By performing bodyweight exercises and incorporating strength training, you will get stronger while your body gets leaner. Isn’t that every gal’s dream?

This 30 minute video can also be performed anywhere and we’re providing it to you totally for free! Whether you’re watching the kids and in your living room or jet setting and staying in a small hotel room, you can follow along with this – no questions asked.

So, what are you waiting for? Dedicating 30 minutes to this is not too much to ask for, is it?

If you’re performing this in the gym and like to get in a full 60 minutes, you can perform a warm-up, a 15-20 minute HIIT workout on the treadmill, elliptical or bike and follow it up with a cool down as well. Try it out! You might just enjoy this new style of training.

For more on Fitness, check out our articles here.

What do you think of this workout?