Breakout Bites of the Week Ending July 27

Olympic Friday! Woot woot!

This is a very exciting and inspirational time in the healthy living community.  Personally I can’t wait to watch gymnastics and swimming. What event are you most excited about?

On commercial breaks I highly recommend reading this week’s Breakout Bites.

Let’s get started!

Making Friends as an Adult | SMITTEN in Cleveland

Having a group of supportive and loving friends can enrich your life and improve your health. I am incredibly lucky to have a great group of friends that I have known for years and can count on through thick and thin. But as someone who loves to learn and grow from the people around them, making new friends is always a priority. I have found it incredibly difficult to make new friends as an adult, but Kimberly gave some fantastic tips on how to do so. I agree that putting yourself out there is important.

Not Comfortable in my Skin | Just Keep Sweating

The honesty that Carlyn shares in her vlog/post this week is wildly relatable. She talks about how she hasn’t been comfortable in her own skin and what I love most about her post is that rather than internalize it she let it all out via blog. Lately I have been feeling uncomfortable too…my favorite pants are feeling a little snug and some tops in my closet are taunting me because I am not at my very best so don’t feel like I can wear them. We all go through curves and over bumpy roads on our health journey that can put us in a complete funk. The best thing to do is admit it, come to terms with it and get your mind back in place. Keep your head up Carlyn…you have come so far and I am certain you will get to your ultimate goal!

Olympic Fever—Good for our Health? | Chocolate and Wild Air

Everyone is Olympic obsessed right now! The athletes are inspiring, the fitness vibe is high and the motivation is in front of you to kick your healthy living routine into high gear—or is it? Leah shared that the Olympics may actually have the opposite effect which I thought was very interesting. The thinking is that because we are all glued to our TV for over two weeks that we may not be as invested in our exercise routine as we normally would be. I say that is what DVR is for! But Leah brings up an intriguing point. What do you think?

Simple Summer Chili | Peanut Butter Fingers

I have a soup addiction. Even on the hottest, swampy NYC days a trip to Hale and Hearty is still welcome in my book. Julie shared a recipe for a light summer chili that has less than 10 ingredients! I already deemed Sunday chili night in our house and can’t wait to get cozy on the couch as if it was winter. Yummy.

Lose Weight Faster via the Payback | Brad Gouthro Fitness

We’ve talked tabata style workouts here before but Brad definitely brought his tabata payback routine to a whole new level. He suggests adding a tabata workout to the end of your strength training regimine or jumping out of bed a few minutes earlier and doing a quickie tabata workout pre-shower. Adding more of tabata style workouts into your daily routine can help you burn fat more efficiently. Me likey. Plus if you remember my fitness bucket list I mentioned that I am striving to do 10 regular push-ups and Brad completely showed me up with his around the world push-up action. Out. Of. Control.

What posts made you ponder something new, get inspired in the kitchen or applaud with healthy joy this week? We want to know about them below!

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  1. Courtney @ Journey of a Dreamer

    I loved Carlyn’s vlog post. It so important for people to realize that just because you lost a lot of weight doesn’t mean you have your issues fixed. I lost 40lbs and still have a ways to go… and while seeing that progress is motivating that doesn’t mean everyday is going to be roses and butterflies. Thanks for sharing these posts!

    • Talia

      She was so inspiring! I can completely relate to her and to you on the weight loss journey. I admire everyone who is honest and open about the ups and the downs in their health journey! Thanks for reading Courtney.