Pizza For Breakfast? You Better Believe It!

Getting and staying in shape doesn’t have to mean misery. While many people go on extreme diets, they often find that this approach is not suitable in the long term. After all, who wants to eat baked chicken and broccoli at every meal?

While you should maintain a consistent diet that revolves mainly around vegetables, fruits, healthy fats and protein, there is definitely some wiggle room for more fun and soul-satisfying dishes. This breakfast pizza is exactly that. Topped with broccoli, egg and bacon, this will surely become your favorite morning treat.

If you work out in the mornings especially, this dish will help keep you satisfied and resist cravings throughout the day. Too heavy for the weekday or not a morning person? This breakfast pizza is practically begging to be a part of your weekend brunch menu.

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Would you try this breakfast pizza recipe?

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