Benefits of Hitting the Barre

No, not that kind of bar! We’re talking about barre. Barre classes are nothing new. Having been around for a while now, these ballet-inspired workouts have undoubtedly become a fixture on the fitness scene. It’s not all ballet, however. There are plenty of other elements incorporated which range from yoga to Pilates and even functional body weight movements.

What can you expect from these classes? Well, we promise that it’s no vacation. You will definitely work up at least a light sweat, but definitely work up a burn that might leave you shaking – hence the typical “Barre Burn” class name. Thanks to its isolating movements, everywhere from your thighs to triceps and all the way back down to the arches of your feet will get worked. Continued practice of barre classes will leave you with a stabilized core, strengthened back, and long and lean legs. What’s not to love? While it’s definitely a female-dominated class (rarely do I spot a male face in my own classes) I would definitely recommend for everyone to give Barre a shot. They might work deep muscles that you didn’t even know you had!

Here we have listed a few more benefits:

1. It’s low-impact.

It’s decidedly hard to workout when you have an injury or suffer from achy joints. Barre classes will work you out, build your strength, but won’t put too much pressure on your joints.

2. It’s easily modifiable.

Another great thing about barre workouts is that it’s easily modifiable for all levels. Whether you are experienced or only a beginner, each move has a different level that you can take on. For example, if you are completing bicep curls (high rep, low weight) you can choose to keep both feet on the ground OR  for an added challenge, you can try balancing on one leg. In addition, any movements that you can’t perform on your wrists (perhaps due to injury or irritation) can be performed on your elbows and so on and so forth.

3. You can increase your flexibility and range of motion.

Barre Burn isn’t only about getting stronger and leaner, it’s also about getting more flexible and getting into deeper movements. Thanks to its incorporation of yoga movements and stretches in addition to swings typical of ballet sequences (think: arabesques, dégagés, etc.) it will help you get deeper into your body’s nooks and crannies.

4. Easy-to-follow.

Well, we didn’t say  it’s easy to keep up, but the sequences in barre class are always easy to follow and, not to mention, fun. Unlike dance classes, you won’t be scrambling around trying to follow along with the instructor. In essence, you’ll be working towards a dancer’s body without having to have a dancer’s memory or rhythm. Phew!

5. It’s the perfect workout to become longer and leaner.

Barre is all about repetition and working your muscle until you are completely and totally fatigued. Movements may seem easy at first, but we can assure you that after your 20-somethingth rep, you’ll be shaking all over. This targets muscles in the best way, ensuring that you won’t only be sore but also strengthened with continuous practice. Paired with a healthy diet, barre workouts can help keep you chiseled all over – transforming your core, arms, and thighs.

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Would you try a Barre class?