Infographic: 9 Superfoods & their Health Benefits

On a hot summer day, what could be better and more thirst quenching than a cold smoothie?

This is especially the case if those smoothies are filled with sweet, fruity goodness! While we now know that adding greens – such as kale, spinach, etc. – can kick these smoothies up a notch nutritionally, there are plenty of other options too!

These “superfoods” are guaranteed to take that sugar laden smoothie of yours to the next level of healthy. Harboring countless benefits (without sacrificing taste), we don’t see why you shouldn’t try them! Here we have them listed and outline how they could benefit you.

Now, we don’t recommend mixing all these nutrient-dense superfoods in one drink, but heck, get wild and throw a couple together!

Acai and Goji Berries would complement each other deliciously and chia seeds really just go with everything. What about mixing health benefits? Mixing Matcha with Maca would provide you with a powerful punch of strength AND antioxidants.

Now that we’ve outlined it all for you, get to mixing!

 What is your favorite superfood? Share them below!

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  1. Ellen

    I do love those chia seeds! I also like to stir turmeric into eggs or salsa to sort of sneak it in, since I don’t love the flavor on it’s own.