6 Winter Nutrients to Beat Winter Blues

You may feel like spring is just around the corner, but winter will be lingering for several more weeks leaving you feeling cold and sluggish. But you can combat that with the right diet! Having the winter weather blues is tough enough, but when you’re not getting all the right nutrients it can only get worse. You may be lacking more than just warmth and sunshine this season.

Here are 6 winter nutrients your body needs more of in winter, and how to kick winter deficiencies to the curb!

1. Vitamin C

It’s cold and flu season, and everyone around you is getting sick. Not to mention, it’s only November and you still have several months left of freezing cold weather headed your way. Getting adequate amounts of Vitamin C can help you prevent a cold or shorten your sick-time significantly.

What to eat: Oranges, papayas, kiwi fruits, strawberries, bell peppers, and chili peppers

2. Probiotics

Probiotics aren’t just great for the digestive system. Along with Vitamin C, probiotics are great for combatting sickness. Eating foods with probiotics has been shown to cut a cold down by nearly 2 days.

What to eat: Fermented foods like yogurt with added active live cultures, sauerkraut, and tempeh

3. Vitamin D

Winter means shorter days and that means a lot less time in the sun. Our bodies get most of our Vitamin D from sun exposure, and that means when winter hits, deficiency is very common. Vitamin D is important for strong bones and your immune system, and deficiency can cause fatigue and depression.

What to eat: Fish, shellfish, fortified milks and soy milks, fortified cereals, pork, and eggs

4. Essential Fatty Acids

Essential Fatty Acids are fats that our bodies need, but can’t create or use as fuel. EFAs affect the function of our cells as well as our moods and behavior. An EFA deficiency leads to dry skin, poor circulation, and mood swings, and we already suffer enough from those in winter.

What to eat: Fish, cantaloupe, pumpkin seeds, walnuts, broccoli, brussel sprouts, and winter squash

5. Protein

When winter hits, we tend to crave a lot of carbohydrates. The problem with carbs is that they contain a lot of sugar and don’t leave us feeling full, so we eat more. Protein, on the other hand, will leave you feeling full and satisfied, curbing your carbohydrate cravings.

What to eat: Lean meats like chicken, pork, and turkey, lentils, beans, nuts, seeds, and cheese

6. Vitamin A

Vitamin A is important primarily for good vision, the immune system, and cellular health. A deficiency causes dry skin, night blindness, and poor immunity so it’s especially important for surviving the winter season, when darkness, dry skin, and colds take over.

What to eat: Liver, paprika, cayenne, sweet potatoes, carrots, leafy greens, cantaloupe, and apricots

Do you feel like you are low on any of these nutrients? Are you looking forward to spring?

photo credit: blmiers2 via photopin cc


  1. GiGi Eats Celebrities

    Perhaps the reason why I am so peppy is because I take ALL of these nutrients! It seriously works like a charm! People always ask me what my secret is and I say clean diet, supplements, sleep and exercise! 🙂