6 All-Natural Bug Bite Remedies

I am a walking attraction for mosquitos.

Maybe the whole “sweet blood” thing is not a myth. Although, I’d appreciate if Myth Busters would settle that one once and for all.

My friends are glad I am around when we spend some time in the park because they can rest assured that they will leave our play-date bite free since the little buggers swarm me. I, on the other hand, not only get attacked from the miniature demons, but I am slightly allergic so I get full on welts from every single blood-sucking bite. Once I got bit on my eyelid…not pretty.

If anyone is going to get West Nile, sadly, it is me. So when yet another post came out from USA Today talking about the symptoms of West Nile I  figured that I better check what the new facts are. Ya know, just in case.

Luckily I don’t have any tremors, disorientation or neck stiffness. And, I have yet to break out in a fever. But, according to new studies four out of five people who become infected with West Nile have no symptoms. Which causes me some stress (because what if I AM infected and don’t know it), but for now I should focus on my biggest, realistic complaints: the endless itching and not-so-beautiful red marks that torment me.

Here are 6 all-natural remedies for bug bites:

  1. Ice: Cold therapy provides relief and can keep the swelling at a minimum so keep that bag of frozen peas handy.
  2. Vinegar: The acidity of your kitchen staple can keep you from scratching away. Use a cotton swab on the infected area.
  3. Honey: Wouldn’t recommend lathering yourself in the sweet treat pre-park time, but raw honey right on your bite can reduce itching.
  4. Tea Bags: Good for under-eye swelling and puffy bug bites!
  5. Baking Soda: Keep the achy feeling at bay by making a paste from baking soda and water. Apply it directly to the bitten skin to have a temporary calamine lotion effect.
  6. Mud: When you are stuck outdoors there is nothing better than soil and water. Mud soothes the pain and reduces swelling. Plus it will keep you from the constant need to itch.

Do you have any tips or tricks to keep the skeeters away? Any other at-home bug bite remedies to add to the list? Share your secrets below!

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    • Talia

      Thank you! Sounds like you are EXACTLY like me. It is so frustrating because I can’t even feel them to swat those buggers away.