5 Winter Weather Nail Care Tips

Many of us up our skin care regimen when winter hits, but your nails also take a hit during the ravages of winter. The season change can cause both your nails and cuticles to get uber-dehydrated which means your nails are more likely to split, break, tear and be not-so-blessed with hangnails.

With a little extra care you can keep your nails strong and healthy. Here are 5 tips to weatherproof your fingertips:

1. Overuse your Moisturizer

Moisturizers can keep your nails supple and less likely to break so keeping a hand cream by your side at all times is a must. Johnson’s Baby Lotion is lovely this time of year. You should be lathering up your hands after every hand washing session but get in the habit of slathering your nail beds too. Massaging the cream into your cuticles can stimulate healthy nail growth and also prevent dryness-induced breakage.

2. Use Olive Oil

Every evening before you go to bed apply a drop of olive oil directly to your cuticles. You can also gain the moisture you need by soaking your fingertips in a bit of olive oil and water for 10 minutes or rubbing on some Vaseline. This should rid your fingertips of ragged cuticles and brittle nails.

3. Weekly Conditioning Protection Plan

Be hands-free for an hour once a week to really up the moisture game of your nails. Soak your nails in lukewarm water for 10 to 15 minutes and then coat your fingertips with cuticle oil before slipping on cotton gloves for an hour. This is a great nail care activity to do when you are kicking your feet up for a show and will work wonders on the health of your fingertips.

4. Keep the Length

Since nails are more prone to breaking during the winter, try to keep your nails shorter and more rounded so that they won’t break as easily. You can also try to strengthen your nail beds by applying two coats of a strengthener like Nutra Nail Bullet-Proof Strengthening Formula.

5. Wear your Mittens

We often overlook the use of wearing gloves on cold days, but keeping your hands and nails out of the cold, dry air is a simple way to keep your nails looking their best. They also act as a barrier from dust and chemicals that are invisible to the naked eye but can be harmful to your nail health.

Spring is just around the corner!

What nail care tips do you do in the winter? Share them below. 

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  1. Ellen

    I have really strong nails but I do get red dried out cuticles pretty easily. My cure has always been rubbing neosporin on the hangnail, putting on a bandaid and going on with my day, but I imagine your solution of taking some time out to use olive oil and gloes would be a more natural cure.