5 Tips To Help You Reach Your Fitness Goals For The New Year

What is fitness? This is an individual’s ability to perform daily activities with optimal endurance, performance, and might alongside the management of stress, fatigue, and disease. It involves voluntary involvement in strenuous activities meant to build the body’s perseverance and strength and prompt weight loss.

Types of Fitness

1. Cardiovascular Endurance

This is the level where the muscles, lungs, and heart correlate when someone is exercising for a long time. This combined performance indicates the efficacy of the functions of one’s cardiorespiratory system and is a direct gauge of how healthy and physically fit you are.

2. Muscular Strength

This is broadly equivalent to how much weight someone can lift, for the longest amount of time. Muscular endurance is usually the frequency of how often you can move that weight without your muscles giving out.

3. Muscular endurance

This is defined as the stamina of the muscle to exert repetitive and consistent force over a certain duration of time. It plays a major role in every athletic effort.

Endurance is also the ability of someone to exert themself and stay active for a long time, and still be able to withstand, resist, and recover from, trauma, fatigue, and wounds. It is usually seen in anaerobic and aerobic exercises.

4. Flexibility

This is defined as the ability of a joint or a group of joints to move through a pain-free and unrestricted range of motion.

A flexibility workout is those exercises that promote the ability of a joint to maintain the basic movements of physical activity and carrying out daily tasks.

5. Body Composition

This is the muscle and fat distribution in the human body, such as their masses, whose data can consciously affect an individual’s sporting performance. Weight loss is the most basic aim for people who engage in workout activities to change their body composition by losing fat and contributing to muscle growth instead.

Tips to Help Reach Fitness Goals

1. Make a Plan and Keep It

Making a workout plan is often the difference between someone who quickly gives up their new year’s fitness resolution, and those who stick to the routine to the end of the year or until they are successful. I’m sure you’re familiar with the phrase, “nobody plans to fail, but they do fail to plan”.

Whether you plan to go for a walk at lunch break or to meet your workout partner at the gym every other day, sticking to your plan will help you reach your workout goals in time.

2. Increase Fluid Intake

The more you work out, the more fluids, minerals, and nutrients you will need to replace because they were lost through sweating. A good drink that will surely rehydrate you is the mixture of coconut water fully stacked with nutrients and electrolytes diluted with pure water mixed in a ratio of 1:1.

Additionally, you’d better find out how much water your body needs daily, depending on your body weight. A good rule of thumb is to divide your body weight in pounds by half to find out your required daily water intake in ounces. For example,  a woman who weighs 150 pounds needs to drink around 75 ounces of water daily.

3. Make Achievable Goals

The conception of unrealistic goals is the first step to workout failure. With such, you get frustrated very quickly and easily when you see that your goals are not bearing fruits, leading to ultimate derailment from the long-term plan.

Also, setting an aggressive goal can prove counterproductive because you will surely have a better shot at success by giving yourself enough time to achieve your goals. Accepting that you cannot get there overnight, no matter how badly you want to or how hard you work. It takes persistence and patience, and that has to be a personal initiative.

4. Make it Clear and Realistic

“I want abs,” “I want to lose weight,” or “I want to be in shape”. All these desires are too vague. Losing weight is easy, but losing fat requires a definite plan. Do you want to be in shape? Round is a shape! You need specific goals such as losing 10% of fat in 2 months, gaining 7 pounds of lean muscle mass in 2 months, or a plan to increase your vertical jump by 5 inches.

Measuring every data point necessary and setting a clear goal, and being honest with yourself is key. Losing 20 pounds in a month might be cool to say, but hazardous and strenuous to your health in multiple ways. You need to be realistic and honest with yourself, then go for it.

5. Consistency is key

This is perhaps the most important and crucial factor when working to accomplish goals, in or out of the gym. Without consistency, your body goes through a more challenging time adapting to the routine, leads to unorganized programs, and forming exercise habits may be harder.