5 Tips to Mentally Survive the Elections

Are you mentally exhausted from the endless political ads and rants from Obama and Romney? You can’t get away from the angry tweets between the two parties to the tension-filled debates you can’t catch a break from the political storm..unless you are catching up on the news of Superstorm Sandy.

But all of the constant bickering about the political climate is likely impacting your mental health and stress levels. Being stuck in the middle of such heated topics can bring out the worst in you–especially when you have a differing opinion. Getting too emotionally involved can impact our overall health and happiness.

With just days before the important presidentially election we wanted to share a few tips to help you avoid the mental fist fights and survive the elections. Have a peaceful mind during this time of change.

1. Don’t Take Anything Personally

If your co-worker or friend snaps at you for disagreeing with them realize that it is not a personal attack on you. Don’t think into the comments too much, be comfortable in your own skin and shake the words off.

2. Vote for yourself in Mind

The constant newsfeed and opinions of others can easily sway your thoughts to one side or another. Trust yourself and your instincts and know that your own feelings will make a difference.

3. Being Different has its Perks

If you lived in a world with a bunch of squares, life would be quite boring! Differing opinions don’t make you right or anything else wrong or right. It is about celebrating our passions and learning from others who are not the same as you.

4. Opinions are Just Opinions

Remember that people are not their opinions, that is just what they believe in. Sometimes it is best to look past someone’s viewpoints and move the topic of conversation onto something that shares a common ground. Acceptance is key here.

5. Change is a Positive Thing

We are in a time of change and sometimes that feels scary, but inevitably good things can come from embracing new opinions and people. If the election doesn’t sway your way it is not the end of the world. You may learn something new or become more accepting of a previous negative thought.

Have the elections impacted your mental health? Do you need a mental break from the Obama and Romney show?

photo credit: Micky** via photopin cc


  1. Healthy Way To Cook Lunch Break Links: mentally surviving the election, why Apple store employees = the best boyfriends, Disney x Star Wars film title mashups, hilarious test answers, villains' hobbies - Healthy Way To Cook

    […] 5 Tips to Mentally Survive the Election (via Bite Size Wellness) Well, tomorrow’s Election Day. We’ve been so bombarded by political jargon and ads from Obama and Romney that by now, most of us just can’t wait for it to be over. Hold on to your sanity with these mental health tips from our friends at BSW. […]