5 Tips on How to Volunteer for a Race

Maybe you are a parent looking for ways to get your kids involved. Maybe you are thinking about starting to become more active. Maybe you are part of a group at church or school that wants to do something together. Or maybe you are a runner that wants to give back.

How about volunteering for a race?

Volunteers are always needed at races! And guess what? There are probably quite a few in your area.

Whether you have run for years or never run a step in your life, you can be a part of a race in a very unique way. From set up to aid stations to helping at the finish line, there is a job for you.

So how exactly do you go about volunteering for a race? Here are 5 tips that will help calm those nerves.

  1. Find a race and contact the race director.

    If you have a local running store, they will list the upcoming races in your area. Be sure to take a look at the dates (and season) to determine what works best for your schedule. Then send an email or call the race director to let them know you are interested in volunteering. They will appreciate your help tremendously.

  2. Get others involved and bring the enthusiasm.

    If you have friends or family nearby, encourage them to help. The more enthusiasm you can bring to the race, the more smiles you will see from the runners! What if you are volunteering by yourself? No worries, you will make new friends very quickly.

  3. Be prepared for any weather.

    Just as the runners have to prepare for race day conditions, so do you. Be sure to bring extra clothes for if it rains – or even snows. And watch the weather beforehand to know if you need to prepare for warm or cold temperatures.

  4. Every job matters.

    Whether you are setting up the race course stations, handing out water and Gatorade, assisting in the medical tents, picking up trash or putting medals around the finishers necks – you are making a difference! The running community is amazing and will thank you for your time and effort.

  5. Have fun!

    Yes, the race is about the runners. However you truly are making a difference! Encourage the runners and have fun while you do so. Give them a high five. Tell them to keep pushing. But most of all – share a smile!

Races depend on volunteers to make things run smoothly. It is a fun way to spend a few hours giving your time yet highlighting the importance of being active. And who knows, maybe the next year you’ll be running the race!

Have you ever volunteered for a race? What was your experience like?

photo credit: through my eyes only via photopin cc