5 Things You Need to Know About Barre Class

Barre classes are popping up faster than spring flowers. It seems that every day you read about another studio from the likes of The Bar Method, Physique57 or Pure Barre opening in town. But just what exactly is this low-impact workout all about? To help give you a better idea, we’ve enlisted the expertise of Vanessa Ligorria, a co-owner of Rosslyn, Virginia-based Lava Barre. Whether you’re a newbie or a pro, these tips will help you better understand the “secrets” behind popular workout method.

1. Barre tones your whole body

If you’re short on time and looking to tone up (and really, who isn’t?), you may want to consider barre. You’ll sculpt your arms, thighs, seat and abs, says Ligorria. You use your body weight or light hand weights to strengthen your upper body. Head to the barre or the floor to work you lower body and abs. Oh, and you’ll generally engage your core throughout the entire class, typically about one-hour long.

2. Barre is not a dance workout

If the name barre makes you think of a ballet class, you’re only half right. “It is a workout that combines ballet, Pilates, strength training and yoga to tone and chisel your muscles,” says Ligorria. “It incorporates the ballet barre as an apparatus, and you will see some ballet inspired moves like plié, tendú, relevé, passé.”

But don’t let all those French words intimidate you. Ligorria says clients should rest assured that instructors will guide students through each movement. And no, you don’t have to be a dancer from Black Swan to take this class, either. Just come ready and willing to learn.

3. Barre focuses on small, controlled movements and good form

If you’ve been to BodyPump classes before, forget about swinging those five -pound weights around. According to Ligorria, many new barre students sometimes struggle with having good form and performing the small, controlled movements or the tiny contractions of the muscles performed during class. These small motions are how barre transforms your muscles and gives you a more toned, lengthened physique. It just takes time to learn how to executive the moves properly. But with practice makes perfect. “Form improves over time as you get stronger and have a better understanding of the method and the movements,” says Ligorria.

4. You will follow the beat

If you’re a music lover, you’re in the luck. Music drives a barre class. Exercises are performed to tempo. And let’s face it, performing exercise to upbeat music (Ke$ha, anyone?) is just plain fun.

5. You will burn and shake

But don’t worry; these things are good. “You will use your body’s own weight as resistance and target muscles to work them to the point of fatigue. This is when the shaking starts; this is where the change happens,” explains Ligorria. And even when you’re really feeling the burn, Ligorria wants you to know that these sets are (thankfully) short. Afterwards, you’ll stretch to create long and lean dancer’s muscles. And the “burning” is just part of the entire barre package. “Soon, you will be addicted to the barre burn,” says Ligorria.

To learn more about Lava Barre, please visit lavabarre.com.

Have you ever tried a barre class?


  1. GiGi Eats Celebrities

    I have done a few different BARRE classes and it really does depend on the class/ company because my first time I actually really liked it, but then I tried different companies and HATED IT. That being said, I have NOT been back!

  2. Friday’s Fabulous Five . . . — Let's Talk and Walk

    […] 5 Things You Need to Know About Barre Class by Bite Size Wellness – I get a lot of questions about barre class and here is a great article that describes what you need to know. It is definitely not a “dance” class, but you do use ballet positions at times. You will definitely feel the burn doing one of these classes. […]