5 Beauty Routine Swaps for Fall

Jackets are out. Uggs are in use. Scarves have made their seasonal debut. But, are your beauty habits ready to face the chill?

When the seasons change your beauty routine needs to make some changes just like your wardrobe does. Send those summer habits and products to hibernation and prepare for fall with these seasonal beauty musts. Whether you like it or not, cold weather is coming and your beauty routine needs to be ready!

 1. Switch to a Creamy Cleanser

The dryness and windy chill can wreak havoc on your skin. Switching from a gel cleanser to a creamy formula can help refresh and moisturize your skin without drying it out.

2. Drink Yourself Beautiful

Hydrated skin is healthy skin and there is no better time to hydrate up than when the weather is drying you out the most. We often forget to guzzle up when the hotter weather isn’t prompting us too but it is important to keep the habit up for smooth and supple fall skin. And while you are beautifying from the inside out, avoid the beverages that can dehydrate you like caffeine or alcohol. Trade your coffee and cocktails in for herbal tea and make good ‘ol H2O your drink of choice.

3. Add the Moisturizer Back In

In the summer you might have been skipping out on the lotion rubdown, but don’t do that in the winter. Your skin needs all the extra help it can get to prevent crocodile skin syndrome. Dried out skin ages faster than hydrated skin so moisturize so you don’t age your outer layer!

4. Get a Transitional Facial

No matter how diligently you tried to cleanse away all that sand, sweat and salt water, the summer months took a toll on your complexion. Give your skin a fresh start with a facial to celebrate fall and transition your skin into cold season.

5. Give your Make-Up Bag a Fresh Start

Fall clean your beauty products by giving the beauty bag a dump. Toss the expired product by following our make-up health guide and give those neglected brushes a fresh start to the season by cleaning them. You don’t want oily, overused, debris filled product on your skin! Plus you can start planning your beauty product Christmas list after you have record of what you actually need.

Do you change up your beauty routine for fall? What is your go-to skin care product for the colder months?

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