12 Mental Blocks You Should Let Go of Today

Life can be rough. We face many mental blocks on a day-to-day basis that can hinder our happiness levels. But mulling over the past in your mind is doing more harm than good. Letting go of the things you don’t need to carry can open up room for new and better things while allowing yourself to be happy and stress-free.

Letting go starts in the mind. Here are the 12 things you MUST dismiss from your thinker starting today:

1. Negative Thinking

Negative thinking is one of the worst things you can do for your mood and overall health. It puts you in an endless cycle to think about things you can’t control. Pay close attention to your feelings and replace the negative ones with positive thoughts immediately.

2. Guilty Thoughts

As much as we wish that guilty thoughts could change the past, they don’t! Take whatever you are feeling guilty about as a lesson you learned and move on.

3. Your Need to Always Be Right

Your stress levels can fly through the roof if you have a constant urge to feel right. At the end of the day if you are right or wrong won’t really make a difference so let some things slide off your back for the sake of your relationships.

4. Self-Defeating Talk

Stop poisoning yourself with a self-defeating mindset. Rule of thumb: don’t believe everything your mind is telling you.

5. The Blame Game

Give up the need to blame others for what you feel or don’t feel. You hold the power. Use it wisely.

6. Envy

Envy is another one of those things that keeps your mind in a bad space. Aspiring to be someone else is keeping you away from being happy with who you are and what you have to offer the world. Are you falling into any other deadly health sins?

7. Need for Approval

It is impossible to get approval from everyone. What others think isn’t as important as what YOU think of yourself.  Accept your own approval with open arms.

8. Procrastination

Just stop. If there is something that needs to be done do it. Procrastination is a bad habit that is hard to break once you start, so stop it in its tracks before it leads to laziness and other poor habits.

9. Complaining

We have maaaannny things that we can complain about—traffic, bosses, situations, lack of sleep and on and on. But the truth is that no person or event can make you unhappy unless you let it make your sad or miserable. Choose to look over some things and lessen the need scratch the complaint department of your brain.

10. Excuses

Excuses can rule your world if you let them. Excuses keep us stuck and allow us to lie to ourselves over and over again. Stop limiting yourself from growing and improving your life by layering on the excuses. Kick them to the curb!

11. Time

The modern world has us relying on the clock. Time for work, time for rest, time for reservations. When you can free yourself of time, do so. Restraining by living minute to minute is quite liberating.

12. Resistance to Change

Change is good! People often think of change as something to be scared of instead of something to help you make improvements in your life and move from A to B. Don’t resist it, embrace it.

What will you promise to let go of today? Any tips for having a healthier mind?