10 Perfect Pumpkin Recipes for Fall

Well, guys, it’s officially Autumn and you know what that means? The season of pumpkin is upon us! Even though it seems like the word “pumpkin” instantly brings up comforting images of Pumpkin Spice Lattes courtesy of Starbucks, there are so many more ways to enjoy pumpkins, so we’ve taken the liberty show you some of our favorites. Added bonus? All of these recipes are healthy and filling. Yum, bring on the pumpkin!

1. Roasted Pumpkin and Pomegranate Salad with Pumpkin Seed Oil Vinaigrette via Women’s Health

Talk about a healthy entree! This salad mixes fats, carbs, protein, richness, and sweetness… Need I go on? What more could one ask for in such a delicious dish. Fun fact: Not only will you get to use pumpkin but also pumpkin seeds which will add an addicting crunch.

2. Pumpkin Pie Chia Pudding Parfait via Oh She Glows

Nothing is nearer and dearer than pumpkin pie. Not only does it remind you of Thanksgiving and autumnal celebrations, but it’s also addicting! Guilty of eating half a pie all to your lonesome? (Guilty!) Try this recipe instead. You’ll indulge your sweet tooth while sticking to your goals.

3. Vegan Creamy Pumpkin Soup via Joy the Baker

If you have ever had butternut squash soup, pumpkin soup is pretty similar. Rich and decadent, this fall dish cannot be missed.

4. Skinny Chocolate Chip Pumpkin Banana Bread via Whipped

While chocolate makes everything better (it’s science) we really think it’s the pumpkin that becomes the real star here. This dessert has been sent from heaven to make us a happier people. Don’t believe us? Bake yourself a loaf and then tell us we’re wrong!

5. Sweet N Salty Roasted Pumpkin Seeds via For the Love of Fiber

Even though pumpkin desserts get all the fame, pumpkins harbor hidden gems ready to be devoured too. Pumpkin seeds! Rich in protein and healthy fats, they taste great, are good for you, and are a perfect on-the-go snack.

6. Pumpkin Ravioli via Health

A bite of these rich pockets bursting with warm pumpkin and you’ll forget all about that Chef Boyardee in a can. This is what real ravioli is all about.

7. Pumpkin Pie Smoothie via Eating Bird Food

Pumpkin pie in liquid form probably either sounds too good to be true or too much to handle. We promise this flavor will blow your mind (and not your calorie count!)

8. Sweet & Spicy Pumpkin Fries via inspiredRD

By now, you all know that it’s probably possible to make everything into a fry… and pumpkin is no exception. These are roasted to perfection and waiting to be used as a great side dish. Just look at them…

9. Gluten Free Pumpkin Cookies via City Girl Farming

Just by tossing a few ingredients together and baking them, you have cookies that make a perfect treat you won’t regret.

10. The Healthy Pumpkin Pie via The Healthy Foodie

And finally, the good, the great, the masterful pumpkin pie. This version is healthy while not loosing even an ounce of flavor. OK, we’ll probably take seconds.

How do you like your pumpkin?