Wellness Wire: Risks Of Laser Hair Removal, Enemies of Over Eaters, and More

Part of staying healthy is staying in the know and keeping up to date on what’s going on in the world around us. If you’re on the go and still want to keep up with what’s trending, we’re here to help! Here are the top links of the day in bite-size pieces.

Risks of Laser Hair Removal (NY Times)

Laser hair removal has become increasingly popular, especially among women, in recent years. However, how safe is laser hair removal and what could happen if a procedure were to go badly? This article talks about a woman who went in for a laser hair removal treatment and came out with red stripes along the backs of her legs. Worth it? I think I’ll stick to traditional waxing.

Woman Runs 366 Marathons in 365 Days (via CNN)

Annette Fredskov, a woman suffering from multiple sclerosis, has run 366 marathons in the past year. That’s right- 366 marathons in just 365 days. She has run a remarkable 15,442 kilometers and gone through an astonishing 20 pair of shoes in this past year alone. And I thought running my first 10K was an accomplishment- HA!

5 Enemies of The Over Eater (via Psychology Today)

Especially now that it’s January and everyone has made New Years Resolutions to work out, eat well, and be thin, the pressures of not over eating are becoming harder to resist. Things like self-criticism, depriving yourself of your favorite foods, and impatience are all things that can lead to binge eating. Take a step back, take a breath, and have a glass of water before you reach for that fourth doughnut.

DIY Plastic Surgery (via Refinery29)


The unfathomable is becoming reality- DIY plastic surgery is now not only available, it’s popular. Contraptions like the one above are now being marketed and sold to people looking for nose lifts, nose slimming, face lifts, eyelid correction, and a wide variety of other plastic surgery procedures. Would you trust these? I know I certainly would not.

Worst OK Cupid Profile (via Cracked)

This OK Cupid dating profile is certainly stirring up a lot of reactions. This controversial dating profile was made as a joke to point out the flaws with both women and men and the online dating world. It’s definitely entertaining and worth the read, but I’d be horrified to come across a chick like this in the real world.

What were your favorite links today?